平安夜***Silent Night***,即聖誕前夕***Christmas Eve,12月24日***,在大部分基督教國家是聖誕節的一部分,但現在,由於中西文化的融合,已成為世界性的一個節日。平安夜英文怎麼說?本文是小編整理的平安夜的英文,歡迎閱讀。
Christmas Eve; Silent Night
1. Silent Night is my favourite carol.
2. Christmas Eve eat an apple is a symbol of safely.
3. I asked if he would go on Christmas Eve?
4. Actually, I usually do all my shopping on Christmas Eve.
事實上, 我總是到平安夜才去買.
5. Will you go to the party held on Christmas Eve?
你會參加平安夜舉行的晚會 嗎 ?
6. Santa Claus fills each stocking with presents on Christmas Eve.
7. Flora : It will be christmas eve tonight, any plans for it?
今晚是平安夜, 你有什麼打算?
8. Christmas Eve is one of the Christian s major festivals.
9. Silent Night was written in 1818 , by an Austrian priest Joseph Mohr.
10. Jingle Bells and Silent Night are popular Christmas carols.
11. Viele Familien haben einen Weihnachtsbaum in der Wohnung.
12. We let off steam during the Christmas Eve.
13. The practice of children's hanging up stockings for receiving gifts on Christmas Eve began quite accidentally.
14. Happy Christmas, Merry Christmas ! A beautiful day, Christmas to shine the light of your every day.
平安夜快樂, 聖誕快樂! 美好的日子, 願聖誕之光普照你的每一個日子.
15. The much - watched 10 - day period begins on Christmas Eve this year and continues through Jan. 8.
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