qī xī
Magpie Festival; Double Seventh Festival; Chinese Valentine's Day
1. The Tanabata Festival in Sendai is among the most famous in Japan.
2. Girls thread a needle under the moon to pray the weaver maid to endow them craftsmanship.
3. Accessories , shadow moth bridge building, only for the holiday of cold pool with sorrow.
納蘭性德《鵲橋仙七夕》學習翻譯此方法可提升英語水平乞橋樓空, 影蛾池冷,佳節只供愁嘆.
4. They then tie the paper to bamboo branches on the evening of the Tanabata Festival.
5. Step II Show more information about Saint Valentine's Day and Chinese Valentine's Day to the students.
6. Its main description object is the legend of Qianniu and Zhinv and Qixi festival.
7. Tanabata night to his father to give me about overall Cowboy Weaver meet Bridge story.
8. Honey, tomorrow is the Chinese Valentine's the Double Seventh Festival , what about going hunting next night?
親愛的, 明天是中國的情人節--七夕, 晚上我們去打獵怎樣?
9. On that night, unmarried girls prayed to the Maid star for the special gift.
七夕之夜, 未婚女子通常會向織女星乞巧,也會乞求姻緣.
10. Today is the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, so, it is called Qixi.
今天是農曆的七月初七, 所以叫七夕節.
11. Our country ancient times the female had in the seventh night of thethe custom.
我國古代女子在“七夕”有“乞巧”的風俗. 什麼叫“乞巧”?
12. The Seventh Evening of the Seventh Moon is the Lover Festival in China.
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