一想到中國,人們腦海中閃現的第一件事便是絲綢。中國是絲綢的發源地,今天仍在生產一些世界上最好的絲綢。在中國,探索絲綢奧妙最好的地方是蘇州。正是在那裡,誕生了第一批絲繡***silk embroidery***,如今蘇州仍在生產中國最好的絲綢。絲綢可以用合成纖維***synthetic fibre***和人造纖維等製成,但最優質的絲綢是由桑蠶絲***mulberry silk***製成的。桑蠶***silkworm***純粹以桑葉餵食。蘇州絲綢可以製成很多產品,最常見的是衣服和圍巾,但也能做成鞋、餐巾、玩具,甚至風箏。
When people think of China, silk is the first thing that pops into their mind. China is the birthplace of silk, and still produces some of the finest silk in the world. In China, the best place to discover the wonder of silk is the city of Suzhou. It was there that some of the first silk embroideries were born, and Suzhou is still producing the best silks in China. Silk can be produced from synthetic fibre and artificial fibre, etc., but the finest quality silk is made from mulberry silk. The silkworms are fed purely on mulberry leaves. Suzhou Silk can be made into a great many products, the most commonly being clothing and scarves, and it can be made into shoes, napkin, toys, and even kites as well.
1.想到:可譯為think of。後半句的pops into mind也可表示“想到”,而think over則為“仔細考慮”的意思。
3.正是在那裡,誕生了第一批絲繡:本句可以用it is+that的強調句式來表達,即 It was there that some of the first silk embroideries were born.這會給整體的翻譯增加得分點。
儘管中國古代神話***mythology***沒有十分完整的情節,神話人物也沒有系統的家譜***genealogy***,但它們卻有著鮮明的東方文化特色,其中尤為顯著的是它的尚德精神***the spirit of esteeming virtue***。這種尚德精神在與西方神話特別是希臘神話比較時,顯得更加突出。在西方神話尤其是希臘神話中,對神的褒貶標準多以智慧、力量為準則,而中國古代神話對神的褒貶則多以道德為準繩。這種思維方式深植於中國的文化之中。幾千年來,這種尚德精神影響著人們對歷史人物的品評與現實人物的期望。
Although ancient Chinese mythology does not have relatively complete plot and mythological figures don't have systematic genealogy, they have distinct features of oriental culture, among which the spirit of esteeming virtue is particularly significant.When compared with Western mythology, especially Greek mythology, this spirit of esteeming virtue is even more prominent.In Western mythology, especially Greek mythology,the criteria for judging whether a god is good or not are mostly the god's wisdom and strength,while in ancient Chinese mythology, the criterion lies in morality. This way of thinking is deeply rooted in Chinese culture.For thousands of years, this spirit of esteeming virtue has affected people's comments on historical figures and expectations of real people.
1.神話人物:可譯為mythological figures。
2.系統的家譜:可譯為systematic genealogy。其中systematic意為系統的,是system的形容詞形式。
3.其中尤為顯著的是它的尚德精神:將此句譯為定語從句among which the spirit of esteeming virtue is particularly significant,承接前一句,可以使譯文結構更加緊湊,邏輯更加清晰。
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