


  The Chinese dream, it is created by the Chinese. Created dream of hybrid rice, yuan longping, liu xiang has created the hurdles of dream, Bruce lee created a Chinese kung fu dream, dream of deng xiaoping created strongly. And I also want to do a dream, a doing!

  If you want to do a good job in this dream, will have certain preparation, "ask canal that had so much to have a source." So, where we source? Where is the living water? All this can only ask ourselves. Only spares no pains to absorbing the essence of China in five thousand, only by constantly absorbing the nutrition of literature, we can own foundation. Find source also fear not that a steady stream of water to moisten us?

  Those who crave more moist and study out at the same time of hard work, not of your motherland? Their effort is for the sake of what? Solely for her! Their mother was expecting them to filial piety! With "qingqing mr.sunji, leisurely," my heart is just recognizes their words not to the motherland. Chinese people love China, they must follow and respect the "life as a VIP, death as well as a soldier" this oath, regardless of life and death or not, we will never forget the motherland. The Chinese yesterday, today and tomorrow, is it not you want to hold up one day in China?


  Suddenly, I was no longer a full brain full of fantasy, the little boy. I was a scientist.

  I invented a tunnel of time and space, want to see China in the future. But, I still afraid of the space and time tunnel instability.

  The next day, I call my assistant to send me to China after 100. I slowly closed his eyes, when I open my eyes, I have been in China after 100.

  There, I saw more than two hundred invention of stealth aircraft and more than one hundred aircraft carrier in the exercise. Then I came to the street, stunned by the scene before, I see a lot of robots on solar green cars shuttling back and forth in the castle.

  In the end I went to the west, see where convenient rail and road. Ah! My country is becoming more and more strong!

  Suddenly, I feel this world in shock... I went back to now. I for the future of Chinese pride!


  My Chinese dream

  After all the sorrow and the sorrow of first, the world of joy but joy.

  I am a shield, stands in danger of the front forever, never leaving; I am a sword, eyebrow drawn to evil forever, zero tolerance; I am a piece of ancient brick of the Great Wall, forever? I who behind me moment of the land, to remain. We only to our home, our Chinese dream.

  Study all the sword

  I am a xin qiji. Nomads from rebel, I desperate training soldiers fight gold, but was rejected. That day, I was dropped the relieving, after I have never been overweight. The head has white hair, old? Be drunk. I am dumb to smile, took my bedside sword, a sword and arms as if returned to the training ground, and the soldiers play copper pipa, eat beef. Ride a BMW that wearing armor, the battlefield is wanton brandish my sword, horse like the luma furiously, bow and arrow like thunder, blasting is offline, tumbling back on the enemy, our victory.