The ends of the earth, the world is so vast, two people who were originally unknown, but because of big or small events and meet, may also experience a large list of twists and turns, finally become the friends to know each other. The probability is too little, so every one of my friends are special, and every friend is precious. This friendship if lost, will be unusually hard to find. So, friendship, isn't it a kind of predestination?
Friendship is not only a kind of fate, but also a warm.
Primary school is bittersweet. Xi xi in can finally start the junior high school life, and sad because parting spent six years with classmates. Even graduated from secondary school may also be in a class. Think like this, I went into a new class of middle school, I am greatly disappointed, however, did not in the classroom as I think I have familiar faces. I silently picked a corner seat, looking at those three pairs in the classroom students happy to chat, I can't help but feel a little lonely. Just at my desk, the buried her face in the arm. After a while, suddenly I felt someone pushing me, looked up and hang on to meet a smiling face, "what's your name? Come and chat together." Her eyes looked at me sincerely, I am an instant perplexed. But a warm fuzzies instantaneous flow through the body, I respond to her laugh, integrated into the collective. Friendship when all power to the person, give people hope when sadness, just like the sun. Friendship, isn't it a kind of warm?
He, large head, filled with infinite wisdom; With thick eyebrows, a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, flashing the light of wisdom; Two cattail leaf fan big ears hung on both sides; Red face like a red apple, du a small mouth, a small nose, appear very naive and lovely. Interesting language, funny movements, can always get a good laugh at the students, he personified the cute and a symbol of innocence, and JinChuan.
His biggest feature is "fat", fat to make to worry about him, the three layers of meat on the belly of a jilt a, if carelessly will fall down. Don't think he's fat it is good to bully, he is our class one of the "four big king kong", as long as he was caught, only pray miracle happened. Because his strength is too big, a bump, you may become disabled; A sit, maybe the earth will fall with you; A roar, may be able to fly to heaven "spirit" to shake. Sometimes, we use and JinChuan fat to make fun of him, but he was not angry, just smiled and said: "fat is fat, and waist circumference." To the students is a horse laugh.
I remember once, recess, we running in the playground game, a fellow shouted: "all the bits, ready, go!" Command, the classmates all like arrows left blunt go out. Is a leading small quiet at first, I second, other students follow closely behind me. The results don't know what's the matter, stumbled, I fell a bottom, "my foot, it hurts." Are running the classmates all stopped, have come to my side, "what happened to her?" "I know." "As foot twisted. Liang Yilin stand out, said angrily: "don't you still say what! Hurry up go to Call a teacher!" Will she suddenly become so fierce at ordinary times, the students were scared, was running, looking for the teacher. Liang Yilin squatted in front of me, said softly: "here, let me carry you to the infirmary." "I am very heavy, you back." I said the sound is very small, like a mosquito, even a little can't hear myself. Liang Yilin facing I squatted down, put my arms on her shoulder, back me up, big step towards the infirmary, she walked, the sweat from her brow head of soybean volume flow down, I help she wiped the sweat, said: "are you tired? Let me down, you hold me." She ignored, is still a big step forward. Looked at her back with me so hard, just like li and xu.
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