Today is Friday, is the day when I am learning dancing, zheng teacher is sick, temporary changed the teacher to teach us. Leaves the teacher teaches us the splits, there are a lot of children split up, only a few people can accomplish, my sister and I can finish the splits the more the more. Teacher said chopped down it doesn't matter, we will progress the next class, because this is the first time that we learn the splits.
I have been in the children's palace to learn dance for three years. Learning to dance is very painful. Some of the children in our class learned a half left not learned. When practice holding legs turning fork, some children crying with pain. I also didn't cry, I can endure every time. The teacher praised me very brave, my mother also say I am a strong girl.
I like dancing, so I began to practice from read small class, I have read primary school now, I have to keep practicing on it.
During the holidays, I have a new friend, it is a lovely gold rabbit. The little rabbit hair is golden yellow, only the belly and tail tip is milky white, it's a pair of small eyes like black pearl, long ears stand up very down a peg or two. Due to the small rabbit squat down too much like a ball, then I will give it was named "the ball ball".
Everyday, I prepared for the ball ball food is very rich, has a rabbit food, grapes, carrots... The ball ball, however, prefer to eat rabbit food. Remember one day, I was just about to throw away the empty sack rabbit, the little pig was very hard to stand up people staring at my hands smell of rabbit food taste empty bag, continuously stirred up the nose, so I have to open the mouth, into his nose before, the ball ball nose arch more. At this moment, to my unexpected happened: the ball ball power of a thunderbolt as their ears, "sou" into the rabbit in the sack, and picked up the bag. I'm afraid it is suppress bad, hard to pull it out, but before I respond to come over, it got into the bag again, I was it the move out laughing.
I am a naturally happy person, don't worry, nothing makes me angry, can spend two days in this boring holiday, happiness is never at a draught, troubles also came at a draught, is to put the man-han banquet in front of me, also can't afford to crane my appetite.
If I had to use a word to describe my holiday life, so the word is "boring", if the two words, that is "boring", three words, is "boring". Always associated with boring anyway. Take today, for instance, in the morning, eat breakfast, wash a face, comb my hair, go downstairs to the XiaoYangGu take things, less than three minutes, then go upstairs, do homework, at noon, mom and dad came back, have lunch, keep a diary, playing computer, eat dinner, watch TV, go to sleep. The day passed, and boring in the past.
Sometimes I feel time passed quickly, now let me feel too slowly, may be I feel very no chatting!
SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome ***SARS*** when can you perish, when can return to our original happiness!
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