1.快餐在現在的中國很流行,但快餐對人的身體卻沒什麼好處。請你根據下面要點以“FAST FOOD” 為題寫一篇英語短文。1.快餐在中國十分流行,人們,尤其是兒童和青少年喜歡吃快餐。
2.快餐受歡迎至少有四個方面的原因;⑴ 方便、節約時間;⑵ 既可在快餐店裡吃又可帶回家吃;
⑶ 店裡的環境乾淨、舒服;
Fastfood is becoming more and more popular inChina, especially among childrenand teenagers.
Thereare several reasons for its popularity. First, it is very convenient and savesa lot of time. Second, you can either eat it there or take it away. Third, theenvironment of fast food restaurants is both clean and comfortable. However, interms of nutrition, fast food is far from satisfactory. It is usually not abalanced diet and low in nutritional value.
Fastfood is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and turn to it once in awhile. It’s good for people, especially children, to eat fast food as little aspossible.
2. 請根據以下資訊談談你對當代學生找“part-timejob”的看法:
利:1.可以把所學的知識與社會實踐結合起來,施展自己的才華。 2.經濟上可相對獨立,不再依靠家庭援助。
There are many advantages in working parttime while you are in school. Firstly, a part-time job offers you anopportunity to apply what you have learned in school and demonstrate yourabilities.Secondly, a part-time job makes you more independent of your family relatively.Thirdly, your part-time job experience may be of great help to your futurecareer. Finally it can enrich your life and widen you sight. However, it hassome disadvantages. For instance, you may have to reduce your time for sleep,rest, study and other activities. Working several hours a day wears you out andmay affect your study. As a result, it’s very hard for you to balance them two.As a student, your school life is limited in your life, you should spend moretime in study. A part-time job is acceptable if you have free time after class.
3. 假如你叫李華,今年讀高三。下午班會課你們同學展開了一場討論,主題是高三學生要不要參加體育鍛煉。請你根據下面提供的資訊,給某英文報社寫一封信,介紹討論情況。
55%的同學認為 1、應該每天進行適量的鍛鍊;
Dear editor,
I’m writing to tell you about a discussion we have had about whether studentsof Senior Three should take
physical exercise or not. There are twodifferent opinions about it.
55% of the students think they should take physical exercise everyday, such asdoing morning exercises,
playingping-pong and basketball, but should not take too much time. In their opinion,exercise builds up one’s
body andreduce the chance of falling ill. What’s more, sports let their brains relax sothat they can improve the
efficiencyof revision.
On theother hand, 45% of them believe it is a waste of time to take exercise. Also,it’s very tiring. After having sports, they think, they are too excited for along time to fix their attention on their lessons. Sometimes it is likely toget hurt in sports.
Li Hua
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