1、A fellow doesn't last long on what he has done. He's got to keep on delivering as he goes along.
2、The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.
3、Good luck is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it.
4、They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.
5、In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
In the plateau lived deep in a rabbit, it was the Tibetan mastiff saved a life, so the hearts of worship in Tibetan mastiff. Every moment of the rabbit with behind the Tibetan mastiff, in imitation of Tibetan mastiff demeanor, actions, longed for the day she also can become a Tibetan mastiff.
May be the rabbit's sincere moved God, God in a morning to achieve its aspirations.
One day, the rabbit woke up in a cave, was surprised to find that he has become a small Tibetan mastiff. The rabbit exultation, while he was admiring his teeth and claws, suddenly felt a chill behind. The rabbit looked back, oh, and it's a body about the small Tibetan mastiff is black in the face staring at it.
This is how to return a responsibility?
Don't let the rabbit think, the little Tibetan mastiff rushing put it down to the ground, with a bite to the trachea. The rabbit was in a panic, trying desperately to break free and ran away.
In the hole, a huge adult Tibetan mastiff blocked the rabbit's way -- this is the mother of small Tibetan mastiff.
Rabbit desperately fled to large Tibetan mastiff's side, looking for mother's protection, but large Tibetan Mastiff has been relentlessly struggling to hit it back to the cave.
Rabbit knocked back cave of that a moment, apparently see around the entrance to the cave, littered with the bodies of other small Tibetan mastiff, there are at least four or five small Tibetan mastiff's dismembered body.
In order to maintain the vitality of the race, the wild juvenile Tibetan Mastiff in the mother's acquiescence of cannibalism, survival of the fittest.
The rabbit was shocked, it felt deep regret, regret not to be so capricious.
Hare again be tackled, let the small Tibetan Mastiff in his own body on the bite. At this time, the small Tibetan mastiff a murderous look in his eyes, slowly came to front of the rabbit...
The rabbit's body suddenly a twitch, open your eyes, look around, it's just a dream.
Don't over envy other people's life, because they are often behind the glory of ordinary people can not afford the bitterness.
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