Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. It's a day to show thanks to mothers. This festival first appeared in ancient Greece and modern Mother's Day originated in the United States which usually falls on the second Sunday of May each year. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day and carnation***康乃馨*** is regarded as the flower for mother. In China, the flower for mother is day lily***萱草花***, also known as Nepenthe***忘憂草***. In addition, cleaning up the room, doing housework and a big dinner are considered to be the best Mother's Day gifts.
Mother’s Day is coming, and I even want to say, “My mum is the most beautiful woman in the world.”
I still remember the day I bought a bunch of carnation for my mum. I will never forget the smile when she accepted the flowers. That Mother’s Day was wonderful. We had a small cake, a warm talk.
I consider mum as the most important person in a family. My mum is a great, great mum. I love her. I wish her happy not only on the Mother’s Day. More importantly, I wish her always happy and healthy.
Mother’s Day is coming. I decide to do something special for my mum. Thanks all mothers in the world. Happy Mother’s Day.
My mother is the greatest mother in the world, she takes care of all the family chores and she never complains. I know she it is not easy for her to do so, for she gives up her career when she has me, so I am so thankful to her. On this mother’s day, I just want to show her my gratitude and let her know that I love her so much.
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