:A Jealous Girlfriend
Gary and Alma were having problems, again.
"But you told me it was okay to call up Carol," said Gary. "I asked you if it was okay to talk to her, because it was her birthday and I've wished her a happy birthday every year for the last 10 years."
"But you had already promised me that you would never call her again. You promised me that. So, you lied to me."
"But I had forgotten that I told you that. You know that I forget things. I'm not going to argue with you; you have a memory like an elephant. But you've got to believe me, I completely forgot. And more important, Carol is just a friend."
"No, she isn't. She's still in love with you."
"But I'm not in love with her. She can love me all she wants, but I'm not in love with her. I never was!"
"Well, you say that. Maybe it's true. Maybe it isn't. But the important thing is that you never know what the future will bring. You say that nothing will happen between you and her, but you don't know that for sure, because you don't know the future."
"Yes, you're right. No one knows the future. I could fall in love with her again, and she and I might run off and get married and have nine or ten kids."
"Again? What do you mean 'again'?"
:Towns Hit by Snowstorms
Redfield, New York, received twelve feet of snow last week. Its neighbors in Oswego are jealous because they got only ten feet of snow. An Oswego resident told a TV reporter that one more storm was coming in that would determine the winner. "I hope we get five more feet," he said. "That'll beat Redfield." This is the most snow the region has received in six years.
"The people who worry about global warming should come visit us. They'll worry less," said a Redfield resident. He said any visitors would have to wait till some snow melted, because most local roads were closed. Even the snowplows were waiting until after the next storm before they began to clear all the roads.
Schools were closed all week. Most kids were happy about it. They couldn't go ice skating or skiing because the roads were closed. But they did play in the snow, make snowmen, and have snowball fights.
"It wasn't a good week for me," complained one high school student. "I had to help my dad shovel all the snow off the roof." When he finished doing that, his dad asked him to shovel the snow off the driveway and the sidewalk. "I can't wait for school to reopen," he said.
:Another Jealous Girlfriend
Scott was sound asleep when the phone rang.
"Are you awake?" Jolene shouted. Scott mumbled something. How could he still be asleep, she asked. It was almost noon. He told her that he hadn't gone to sleep until 6 a.m. Jolene told him to get up, and come pick her up. They had to go to the store to return the birthday gift he had given her.
It was a tangerine plant. The leaves were curling up. It was going to die, she said. "Curling leaves means the plant is going to die?" Scott asked. Of course, she told him.
"Look, honey," he asked, "let me go back to sleep for one hour, okay? Then I'll come pick you up." Jolene wondered why he needed one hour. Was he expecting a phone call from his ex-girlfriend? No, he patiently tried to explain, he just wanted to get another hour of sleep.
But he could not sleep anymore. Once Jolene mentioned anything about Amy, he'd better get over there quickly. Scott broke up with Amy five years ago. Now they were just friends. But, Amy still loved him. That wasn't a problem for Scott, until Jolene found out about it. If Amy still loved Scott, Jolene figured that they just might get back together.
She can recognize a dying plant but not a dead love affair, Scott grumbled as he rolled out of bed.
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