一、 Your heart is too crowded but is no more room for me .
二、 Heart only you exist
三、 offer support!我支援你
四、 every thing is gonna be alright.
五、 You are my only love、 I love your one’s whole life。你是我唯一的愛、我愛你一生一世
六、 最痛的距離,是你不在我身邊卻在我心裡。 The most qmainful distance, you are not with me but
七、 Love, you let a person heart broken.
八、 As soon as passed by is flickers, misses is eternal.
九、 ✿ I love you not because of who you are but because of who I am when I am with you
十、 I just need a never abandon my people 我只是需要一個永遠也不會拋棄我的人
十一、 I bet your window is rolled down and your hair is pulled back 你一定開著車窗任頭髮吹散
十二、 i want look at you ,because i love you
十三、 Cardiac death is death 心亡則亡
十四、 你不知道的原因是別人心痛的理由why you don't know is others heartache reason
十五、 Who says I can't smile again, who says I can't live better.
十六、 Bitch . Shut the fuck up 、
十七、 Not pretend to be silent but have no strength to complain.
十八、 Never make you cry,永遠不讓你哭
十九、 Wise man have their mouths in their hearts, fools have their hearts in their mouths
二十、 some pain can not tell until you can slowly fotget有些痛。說不出來。只能忍著直到能夠慢慢淡
二十一、 I love you for my life past.我會一直在。
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