She, a white apple face, eyebrows curved like the moon, eyes and bright and dark, like the shiny black pearl, long high, small mouth, black with yellow hair was tied up in a thick ponytail.
She, a lively, innocent, cute, little girl grinning all day. A little naughty, is a happy fruit, often bring us laughing. Because her hair is a little yellow, under the roll, students will take for her a nickname is "doll". Her shanshan, treats people polite, approachable, also make people easy to get along with her. She has a great attraction, the classmates all like to play with her. This is my deskmate.
She is very kind. Once, when we walk on the way home, a dog lying on the ground. She saw the dog's leg was injured, rather than just hugged it home, put the dog leg wound, also it took a bath. But her mother wouldn't let her have a dog, her heart is full of contradictions, the final decision, put the dog in a box, in an obscure corner, stair to notice it, so no one hurt it again, and no one throw it out, she fed to it every day. "There's no such thing as a tight wall", it is found by her mother. She hassle to mother speak a lot of truth: what animals, ah, ah what it good poor... Her mother finally persuaded by her. She smiled, smile so sweet.
Einstein once said such a sentence; Time is the best thing is there are a few mind and some are just friends. In this world, people can not live without parents, also can not live without friends. Friendship is like a ray of sunshine in the cold winter, giving people warmth and happiness. Sometimes, it is like a match, although only a little faint light, but it is enough for you when you lost the light ahead. A man the most happy thing is to have a kind-hearted, honest friend.
She and I, in the way of friendship, is not plain sailing. We had a quarrel. Had a disagreement, but among them, but mixed with many, many happy and joy. Suantiankula, has everything. May be the reason why we have grown up, the life of two people, the more understanding and tolerant, and happy. A little less dispute and envy. No longer for some trivial things and hurt feelings. Life become inseparable, very friendly.
Long curly hair braided 10 centimeters, pink face, a pair of big eyes, and the tall. She doesn't like to catch fashion, often behave wearing clean uniforms, chest no matter when and where will wear a bright red scarf. Especially to abide by the rules of the school. He studies very well, are leading the way, every examination in discipline she strict demands on themselves, treat anything is very serious, meticulous. As a result, she became my this "careless" learning object.
Remember once, I because of cold and kuang a day class, there are a lot of knowledge of the exercises all didn't hear the teacher's explanation. There are some problem still did not understand, are morosely sat on the bench a daze,, she seemed to see my state of mind, with a face all smiles, then walked over to me, said to me; "I come to you about it!" This to me, at that time is not ordinary six words. It is like when I catch a cold, pass to a cup of warm water. My friend, I haven't replied in a loud: "good!" Was carefully for me to explain. Looking at her kind eyes, modest attitude, I like the spring breeze brings to my comfortable feeling. The first time I so deeply felt, originally, this is the friendship, this is the love of a friend! I looked up at him again that fire-eyed big eye, and a flood that touches the heart: good warmth!
Have no gorgeous language can describe the friendship between her and me, there is no beautiful music can I sing for her feelings. Although, I now is a thirteen-year-old boy, but I can say that she, is my primary school time, a friend, a girl worth me to respect.
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