


  Hi everyone, glad to introduce myself. I graduated from Xx junior high school, my name is xxx, comes from a beautiful city named xx. I like making friend with others, playing computer and reading. I am proud of studying with everyone in the same class for the coming years. I am sure our common dreams will come true from now on. Thanks.


  Hello,my name is yjbys.I am XX years old.I graduatedfrom XXX.I have a dream since I was a child.I dream that one day I can fly in the blue sky like the bird. Now I have the chance to make it come true. If i can take this job. I'll try my best to do everything well.Because I love this job.

  你好 我叫XXX 今年XX歲 從XXX學校畢業 從孩提時起我就有一個夢想 那就是能像鳥兒一樣在藍天中飛翔 現在我中終於有機會實現夢想了 如果我能得到這份工作 我會盡力做好所有的事情 因為我熱愛這份工作


  My English name is Mandy, m-a-n-d-y, I wonder if there are already other Mandy’s in Nestle, because this is a very popular name with Chinese girls, hehe. 點評: 很巧妙地利用自己名字和麵試官有了一個互動。

  I will soon graduate from South China Agriculture University, but my major is not related to agriculture, I've studied international economics and trade. I like my major a lot so I've got a very good academic performance. My GPA ranks number 3 in the class of 60 students. Besides studying I am also an important member of the Student Union of our university and was awarded the honor of Excellent Student Cadre by our school. Outside the campus I interned at a couple of companies. 點評: 自我介紹要講究語言的連貫性, 要注意承上啟下, 這樣會讓面試官容易理解。 You may have noticed that one of them was Coca Cola, as a part-time promotion assistant. I was then working in Vanguard Supermarket to promote the drink “Cool”, or Ku-er in Chinese. It was a very tiring job, because I had to wear the heavy costume of a bear for eight hours a day and jump around to attract the attention of children. But I did it quite well.點評: 對於面試官一定會感興趣的經歷, 申請人在自我介紹當中要適當進行重點描述。

  As a graduate from an agriculture university I have natural interest in Nestle, a great food and beverage company. Besides interest, I am sure I have the potential to be a great sales rep, because I love Nestle products, I've been a loyal customer of Nestle coffee for years, and I have the necessary qualities of a good saleswoman, you know, communications skills, passion, not afraid of being rejected and so on. These abilities have been proven in my part-time jobs. I wish I could use them to sell my favorite Nestle products to more and more people!