1. 如果打電話的人非常熟悉,可以說:
Is there anything else I can do for you?
還有什麼我可以幫忙的嗎 ?
2. 如果你認識對方的家人,不妨加上這樣的問候:
Say hello to your folks.
3. 如果你答應給別人傳話,可以說:
Then I'll make sure he gets your message.
4. 如果是你的客戶,也可以使用一些慣用的客套話,比如:
Thank you for calling.
Nice talking to you.
Hope to see you again soon.
1.I want a package deal including airfare and hotel. 我需要一個成套服務,包括機票和住宿。
2.I'd like to change this ticket to the first class. 我想把這張票換成頭等車。
3.I'd like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago. 我要預訂去芝加哥的臥鋪。
4.I won't check this baggage 這件行李我不託運。
5.I'd like to sit in the front of the plane. 我要坐在飛機前部
6.I missed my train. 我未趕上火車
7.I have nothing to declare. 我沒有要申報的東西。
8.It's all personal effects. 這些東西都是我私人用的。
9.I'll pick up ticket at the airport counter. 我會在機場櫃檯拿機票。
10.I'd like two seats on today's Northwest Flight
11.We waited for John in the lobby of the airport. 我們在機場的大廳裡等約翰
12.I'd like to buy an excursion pass instead. 我要買一張優待票代替。
13.I'd like a refund on this ticket. 我要退這張票。
14.I'd like to have a seat by the window. 我要一個靠窗的座位。
15.You have to change at Chicago Station. 你必須要在芝加哥站轉車。
A:I really think if I can get my foot in the door at this company it will do wonders for my career. Do you think you can help me polish my interview style?
B:Sure. Doing your homework and preparing for an interview really pays off.
A:I've researched the company and think I’m perfect for the job but I’m not sure how to get it across to them.
B:Well first you have to have more confidence. Employers look for people who are interested, enthusiastic and sure of themselves.
A:I know I have what it takes but I’m worried that my work experience won’t be sufficient. Should I inflate my experience?
B:No, you should always be upfront and honest about your weaknesses. However by focusing on your strong points and maintaining a positive attitude about your abilities, you can take the attention off your lack of experience. Employers are always impressed by go-getters.
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