purchase orders
purchase note
規劃性採購單 Planned Purchase Orders
未結采購單 open purchase order
自動產生採購單 AutoCreate Purchase Order
藥品採購單號 Order Sheet Number
1. Therefore, these contracts must fill out a clear shopping list of materials.
所以, 合同當中必須對材料採購單填寫清楚.
2. Please find attached purchase order for samples for our showroom set up.
3. Allow automatic create purchase order when item over limIt'storage.
4. Reconcile invoices, receiving records and purchase orders with the Outstanding Report before preparing manual cheques.
在填寫支票前,將發票, 收貨記錄和採購單與報告核對.
5. Purchasing Form: to be used only by suppliers to contact the purchasing department.
採購單: 僅用於供應商聯絡採購部.
6. The forma and purchase order must be compared before goods are shipped to check for discrepancies.
7. Seller's liability, if any, shall be limited to the total value of this Purchase Order.
賣方的責任, 如果任何的, 將被限制在這一個採購單的完全價值.
8. Under it, a Common Drug Review recommends to provincial lists which new drugs should be included.
在此機構指導下underit, 一個CommonDrugReview會向各個省建議什麼藥品應該被包括在藥品採購單中.
9. He put an ~ for a new stock of soap.
10. Jane: I need to get a purchase order for a marketing campaign.
珍: 我需要拿一張訂購單,為一個行銷活動採購.
11. Supervising & guiding the material purchase plan and outside assembling plan.
指導 及 監督材料採購任務單、製作加工任務單計劃下達工作.
12. VIPs Purchasing Zone, platform for buyers and exhibitors to do business.
特設買家VIP採購 區, 買家賣家配對洽談,現場簽單.
13. Arrange for appropriate financial documents for payment for goods.
14. Check, approve production plan, MRP , purchasing plan, payment plan and purchasing application.
稽核 、 批准生產計劃, 採購計劃, 付款計劃和各種請購單.
15. Checking and records all of purchasing invoices in the ERP system.
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