Basic Information
Date of Birth:
Yrs.of Experience:
Mobile Phone:
Current Salary:
Marital Status:
Political Status:
Postal Code:
QQ: Gender: Residency: Email:
Self Assessment
1.I am good command of Computer skills: familiar with different versions of Windows OS and Office application software.
2.I am strong perception & intellect; with widen and swift thinking; able to be quickly adapted to different environmenet.
3.I can complete all the courses in the specialized field, obtaining good command of theoretic knowledge and experimental and DIY skill.
Career Objective
I can start:
Type of Employment:
Desired Location:
Desired Salary: after 3 months Full-time 2,000-2,999/Month
Work Experience
2013/10--2013/11: Education150-500 people
Industry: Education/Training/Universities and Colleges
Exhibition The exhibition specialist
This work is mainly responsible for the organization of the order, help students and parents find overseas colleges and universities have the intention, carry on effective supervision to the educational institutions to participate
2012/10--2013/1:Hisense1000-5000 people
Industry: Machinery, Equipment, Heavy Industries
The Sales A part-time salesman
Assist store salesperson sales TV
2012/7--2012/8: Pharmaceutical Factory500-1000 people
Industry: Others
Finance Finance internship
Responsible for the financial statements of the integration and calculation
2011/9 -- 2015/7 XXX University Marketing Bachelor
Major courses: Macroeconomics, microeconomics, principles of accounting, financial accounting, management accounting, financial management, business statistics, comparative international accounting Honors & Awards
Practical Experience
Leadership Position
Language Skills
EnglishGood: Listening&SpeakingGood , Reading&WritingGood
- 簡單英文簡歷模板範文
- 讓讀書成為好習慣手抄報大全_讀書手抄報圖片大全
- 三月份泉州踏青遊玩好去處
- 我經歷的一件事四年級作文範文
- 請結合生活談談對茶道的理解的範文
- 企業市場營銷成功案例分析
- 初中生心理健康小論文
- 杜鵑花的養殖方法和注意事項-杜鵑花怎麼養-杜鵑花圖片
- 最新個人工作總結範文大全
- 王者榮耀的露娜打野如何玩
- 幼兒園教師轉正工作自我鑑定
- 動漫桌布圖片大全桌面
- 本科學生大三學年自我鑑定書範文
- 中醫治療雀斑的藥方
- 龍騰虎躍的意思是什麼
- 婚禮上對爸媽說的話
- 描寫車禍的高中優秀作文範文
- 金融辦主任述職報告範文
- 關於時間的國旗下講話稿
- 藥品安全知識之用藥篇
- 康熙字典五行屬金的字
- 康熙字典五行屬木的字
- 康熙字典五行屬水的字
- 康熙字典五行屬火的字
- 康熙字典五行屬土的字