1. Clairol: a smell portrait
2. Ouni: black hair, Chinese goods.
3. Olive: Black hair, I like it.
4. Pantene shampoo: have a healthy, of course, glossy.
Rejoice: Rejoice, is so confident.
6. O'Neill angle soap shampoo extract: the Great Wall will never fall, when the self-domestics.
7. La Fang: love life, love Lafang!
8. Qing Yi: There Qingyi, more elegant.
9. Head & Shoulders: dandruff to go without a trace, hair is more outstanding.
10. Rejoice: Rejoice, is so confident!
11. "Yiran the United States" soft shampoo: "true charm from the hair"
12. Head & Shoulders: "Neophelia, that is, dandruff."
13. "Spring leaves" shampoo: "healthy and natural vitality" Chinese herbal medicine + natural + live brain
14. Di color shampoo: Di color shampoo, very smooth.
15. good Di: Hello, everyone is really good.
1. Pantene shampoo: have a healthy, of course, glossy.
2. Sassoon shampoo: our glory from your style.
3. Meet the fragrance COCOESSENCE: No matter where you are in the world, I can find you by incense.
4. Head & Shoulders: You do not have a second chance to make a first impression.
5. Rejoice: two-in-one care, so gentle hair flowing
6. Runfa shampoo: Ausei hair, edge of a hundred years.
7. Pantene shampoo: 3000 worry silk, health, a new beginning.
Rejoice: is so confident!
9. Tianshun: Tianshun, every day along
10. Longliqi: really good benefits
11. La Fong: love life, love Lafang
12. Lai Tong: really different
13. pedicle of the show: pedicle of the show youth good friends!
1 floating shadow: "plant extracts / green hair care."
2. Hai Si: Dandruff to go without a trace, hair is more outstanding.
3. Sassoon: My glory comes from your style.
Rejoice: "with silk Runfa, shampoo hair care once completed, so that hair flowing soft."
5. Head & Shoulders: "to dandruff, so you rely on the more recent."
6. Clairol: Do you want to be a fairy tale in the "Cinderella" I help you to achieve!
7. Sunsilk: vitality comes from nutrition, vitality from the young, energy from the passion.
8. Head & Shoulders: removal of dandruff problems.
9. Gone with the Wind: a floating shadow, more self-confidence.
AVON Avon: hair clever investment.
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