1、If it's out there只要存在,
Dior will find it.迪奧就將找到它。
2、dior --Jadore dior
Gold is cold此時,黃金顯得冰冷,
damends are dead鑽石缺乏了生機,
A Limousine is a car豪華轎車也不夠吸引
Don't Pretend不要造作,
Feel what's real感受真實的奢華,
C'est Ca Que J'adore唯有,迪奧真我香水。
小姐:Miss Dior迪奧小姐淡香水,作為Dior迪奧的第一款香水,顯露出ChristianDior先生對花的無限熱情。
超越:HIGHER ENERGY刺激感官,增添感性,讓男人勇往直前,釋放自由情緒!
1.I Don't Wanna Believe
2.From everything I've seen,
3.Everything good just goes away
4.I never had a taste of heaven
5.Without a little hell to pay
6.All I ever needed was for someone to give instead of take
7.But something about you makes it right
8.to give it one more try.
9.And I don't wanna believe if I can't believe in you,
10.But I'm ready to fall if you're the one that I fall into,
11.Tell me I'm the one 'cause baby I don't wanna waste another day,
12.I don't wanna believe if I can't believe in you..
13.I've never been so scared,
14.I was goin' nowhere but now you're here,
15.I'm holding you too tight,
16.pushing you away is my darkest fear,
17.I don't wanna break you,
18.I don't wanna make you disappear,
19.I feel deadly kind of pain,
20.but you take it all away..
21.And I don't wanna believe if I can't believe in you,
22.But I'm ready to fall if you're the one that I fall into,
23.Tell me I'm the one 'cause baby I don't wanna waste another day,
24.I don't wanna believe if I can't believe in you...
25.I've given you what's left of me,
26.So you can put me back together,
27.You've given me what I've needed all along..
28.And I don't wanna believe if I can't believe in you.
29.But I'm ready to fall if you're the one that I fall into
30.Tell me I'm the one 'cause baby I don't wanna waste another day,
31.I don't wanna believe if I can't believe in you..
32.I don't wanna believe if I can't believe in you...
33.But I'm ready to fall if you're the one that I fall into..
34.I don't wanna believe if I can't believe in you..
35.But I'm ready to fall if you're the one that I fall into...
1. 每個女孩都該做到兩點:有品位並且光芒四射
2. 想要無可取代,就必須時刻與眾不同。
3. 時尚會過去,但風格永存
4. 最適合你的顏色,才是世界上最美的顏色。
5. 記得要尋找穿衣服的女人。如果完全看不到女人,衣服的意義 就失去了。
6. 奢侈就必須舒適,否則就不是奢侈。
7. 不用香水的女人沒有未來。
8. 時尚創造就是為了使之過時。
9. 服裝廣告:香奈兒品牌走高階路線,時尚簡約,簡單舒適,純正風範。
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