Todd: Hello Michael.
Michael: Hello Todd.
Todd: We're going to talk about Australia. Or you’re going to talk about Australia. So first of all how many people live in Australia?
Michael: Australia? Oh, there are about twenty million people in Australia right now. A little bit under, but close to twenty.
Todd: OK. What are the biggest cities?
Michael: The biggest city? The biggest city is Sydney, then it's followed by Melbourne and then Brisbane and then I think it's Perth. But most of the big cities are on the East Coast of Australia. And Perth is on the west coast, but sort of out there by itself.
Todd: OK. Um, if you had to live in one place where would you live?
Michael: I like Brisbane. I had my teenage years in Brisbane, growing up in Brisbane, um or maybe Sidney because it is a big city, but Brisbane has got the gold coast and the sunshine.
Todd: Oh, nice. Actually, what is the capital city of Australia?
Michael: Ah, Canberra is the capital city, but is not the biggest city. Sydney is the biggest city. Canberra was made sort of by the politicians so Sydney wouldn't get too crowded. It's a separate territory.
Todd: Have you been to all the major cities in Australia?
Michael: I have been to Melbourne when I was young, but yeah, I have only a short time in Perth.
Todd: OK. What is the best thing about Australia?
Michael: The best thing about Australia? Ah, probably the friendly people. The relaxed attitude and we like visitors from other cultures.
Todd: Oh, cool. Ah, how are Australians different than other people? How are they unique?
Michael: How are Australians unique? Um, I would say that we're ah more fun-loving maybe or excepting of other people. And we don't mind making new friends and actually and conversing with other people.
Todd: Yeah, oh yeah that's good. That's nice. OK. Thanks a lot Michael.
Michael: No worries.
Todd: OK, Ann, you spent quite a bit of time in Australia recently so why don't you talk about that?
Ann: I really liked living in Australia. I was an international student and I studied education at the University of Sydney. And living in Sydney was fantastic because I could go to the beach anytime I wanted and there was a great nightlife in Sydney. There are lots of great clubs. And people were very, very friendly and easy-going and I met a lot of international people in living Sydney.
Todd: Mm-nm. How long were you there?
Ann: I was there for almost a year.
Todd: Oh, OK.
Ann: And I travelled a little bit in Australia. I went up the east coast. Up to Frasier Island, this is a world heritage site. And I saw dingos running along the beach and sharks in the water. We climbed cliffs and went through a rain forest and went camping and then we went up to the, which is a but north. And the further north you go in Australia, the hotter it gets. So we were able to go swimming in the ocean and I went diving for the first time but it was a little bit risky cause I didn't have a diving license, so I went on an introductory dive and I saw a giant clam that had a really purple spongy inside that I was able to touch and then the clam closed up really quickly.
Todd: So, did you, did you lose your finger?
Ann: Almost.
Todd: Almost. Ah, you're lucky. Um, it's funny, you go in the water and you worry about sharks but not clams.
Ann: Exactly.
Todd: Will you be going back to Australia soon?
Ann: I'd like to go and live there for at least another year. Probably I'll go back to Sydney or maybe I'll go down to Melbourne because it's a really interesting cultural city. They have lot of museums and parks.
Todd: OK. You gotta choose real quickly, only one city, Montreal or Sydney, which do you choose?
Ann: Sydney, without a doubt.
Todd: OK. Alright. Thanks a lot.
Ann: You're welcome.
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