A:May we see the wine list please?
B:Sure. Our special wine today is a 1989 Chardonnay.
A:That sounds pretty good! How much is it?
B:It's $4.25 cents by the glass. The whole bottle is $22.5.
A:I'd like a bottle please.
B:I'll need to see your ID please.
A:Here you go.
B:Sorry about the inconvenience, you look so young. I had make sure you are over 21 years old.
A:May I help you?
B:Give me six-piece chicken nuggets, a large fries, and a large coke.
A:You will need to wait a few minutes for fries. They're still in the fryer.
B:That's fine.
A:Your total comes to 7 dollars.
B:Here's 20.
A:Thank you. Your cash back is 13 dollars. Pull into a parking states, and we'll bring you your fries in two minutes.
A:Can I take your order?
B:I’ll take two value meals套餐.
A:What kind of drink do you want with those?
B:One Pepsi and the other a sprite please.
A:You can supersize your meal for only 39 cents extra.
B:Yes, I’d like that then.
A:How about anything for desert? Like an apple-pie or ice cream?
B:No, thanks, that will be it.
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