


  [2015·江西新餘期末]If you're sick of self­centered twenty­somethings, just remember that they'll be 33 one day. For that's the age when they __1__ the “all about me” attitude, research suggests.

  By then, youthful selfishness __2__ and people begin to consider others' feelings more often. When we reach 33, we are also more likely to make __3__ with parents and grandparents and take a __4__ attitude towards ending quarrels with family or friends.

  The older we get, the more __5__ we are in almost all __6__ of life—with the exception of volunteering in the community, the report suggests. Most people agree that __7__ children is the turning point in changing __8__ attitudes towards other people. This is when we apparently __9__ ourselves worrying more about others and doing things for them, such as checking how they are getting home, __10__ to help with childcare and doing airport runs. And we are more likely to keep an eye out for neighbours, __11__ give up seats to elderly people on public __12__. We will probably also be more __13__ in the community and __14__ to donate money to good causes.

  Those __15__ 33 are most likely to admit being very selfish. 40 percent of this age group, __16__, regularly volunteer for charity or their community—higher than any other age group. Statistically 據統計, the __17__ at which we are most selfish is our teenage years—with some people saying that just growing up made them more likely to consider others. __18__ refer to meeting their partner or buying a house as the __19__ at which they started being more tender­hearted and __20__ others first.


  1.A.have B.hold

  C.lose D.display

  答案:C 首句理解有困難,意為:“如果你厭惡自私的20多歲的青少年,那麼請你記住,他們總有一天也會33歲”。all about me“自私的”,結合首句理解可知,C正確。

  2.A.strengthens B.pushes

  C.lessens D.spreads

  答案:C 到了33歲,年輕的自私便會減弱。根據下文“consider others' feelings”可知答案。

  3.A.efforts B.remarks

  C.favors D.funs

  答案:A make efforts with sb.“與某人共同努力”。

  4.A.serious B.positive

  C.negative D.equal

  答案:B positive“積極的”,根據語境可知,到了33歲,人們會在對待問題的態度上發生改變,而且應為積極的一面。

  5.A.selfless B.selfish

  C.wise D.intelligent

  答案:A “年齡越大,人會變得更無私”,根據文章主題可以確定答案。

  6.A.species B.classes

  C.matters D.areas

  答案:D 在人生的所有領域都會是這種情況,除了在社會做志願工作。

  7.A.having B.abusing

  C.bearing D.loving

  答案:A 通過“Most people agree”可知,此處為大家公認的觀點,即:有了孩子會是改變對他人態度的一個轉折點。

  8.A.their B.your

  C.our D.his

  答案:C 根據本文講述的人稱是第一人稱,以及“other people”可確定答案。

  9.A.deserve B.find

  C.serve D.save

  答案:B 該階段是我們發現自己開始替別人擔心的時期,故選find。

  10.A.supporting B.caring

  C.demanding D.offering

  答案:D 上文提到過為別人擔心,可知,該空為主動的幫助照顧孩子。

  11.A.rather than B.instead

  C.as well as D.more than

  答案:C 該部分講述的是關心他人的種種表現,故as well as“除了……還……”。

  12.A.transport B.system

  C.burden D.interest

  答案:A 讓座應發生在公交車上,故答案選A。transport“交通”。

  13.A.devoted B.occupied

  C.involved D.concerned

  答案:C 我們很可能也會更多的參與社群的一些事務。involve“牽涉,涉及”。

  14.A.reluctant B.willing

  C.determined D.promising

  答案:B 更願意捐錢做一些善舉,該空與本段主題相關。

  15.A.at B.beyond

  C.under D.over

  答案:C 上文中講述的是33歲以上的人傾向於關注他人,而33歲以下的人承認自己自私。

  16.A.Besides B.Therefore

  C.However D.Otherwise

  答案:C 上文承認自己自私,空後講述的是通常去慈善機構或社群作志願者,故錶轉折。

  17.A.stage B.way

  C.call D.mark

  答案:A 與at搭配的名詞為stage,表示“在……階段”,故應選stage,意為:我們最自私的階段就是我們青少年時期。

  18.A.Others B.Another

  C.The others D.Other

  答案:A 上文中提到的是“some people”,因此,該空為others。

  19.A.key B.point

  C.lesson D.situation

  答案:B 其他人的觀點是“遇到自己伴侶或買了房子,看作是他們變得無私,對他人熱心腸的轉折點”,故選point。

  20.A.rewarding B.wondering

  C.taking D.putting

  答案:D 上文中的and表明該題應與前面more tender­hearted並列,故應選D。


  1.[2015·河北衡水模擬]Many years ago, Norman cousins was diagnosed as “________ dead ill”.

  答案:deadly 考查詞性轉換和語意理解。此空格後是名詞,故應用提示詞的形容詞性,根據語義“致命的疾病”,可知答案是deadly。

  2.[2015·黑龍江雙鴨山一中期末]Daly, 24, denied causing ________ die by dangerous driving and was found guilty by a jury 陪審團 at Taunton Croun Court.

  答案:death 及物動詞cause後應為名詞作賓語,故填die的名詞death。

  3.[2015·河南省鄭州質檢一]Tud didn't really know what he had seen but he knew it was something ________ specially.

  答案:special 此空格位於不定代詞something後,該用形容詞作後置定語,故填special。

  4.[2015·河北衡水五調]I feel ________ luck enough to see the Forbidden city and the temple of Heavens tomorrow.

  答案:lucky 在系動詞feel後應該用形容詞作表語,luck的形容詞為lucky。

  5.[2015·甘肅天山一中一模]He boarded the train and waited very ________ nervous as the train was about to pass by his home.

  答案:nervously 空格位於副詞very後,且修飾動詞waited,故填提示詞的副詞形式nervously。

  6.[2015·河北唐山五校聯考二]Mike: I'd like to buy a computer. Could you please give me some advice?

  Rose: Yes, with ________ please.

  答案:pleasure 介詞with後填名詞形式,且with pleasure為固定搭配,故填pleasure。

  7.[2015·黑龍江哈六中期末]With my birthday coming up, I thought Dad would make an ________ except.

  答案:exception 根據空格處於冠詞後可以判斷此處應填寫except的名詞,exception“例外”。

  8.[2015·雲南名校統考]The Internet is the world's largest library, but it has another ________ advantage.

  答案:disadvantage 根據空格位置可知此處填寫名詞,“but”表示轉折,根據語義可知填advantage的反義詞disadvantage。

  9.[2015·河北保定期末]Over the years, I've been teaching kids about a simple, but powerful concept—the ant philosophy, an ________ amaze four­part philosophy.

  答案:amazing 空格後為名詞,前為不定冠詞,故此處填形容詞amazing。

  10.[2015·河北衡水一模]The happiest people don't ________ necessary have the best of everything.

  答案:necessarily 根據空格前don't及空格後有實義動詞可知此處填副詞。necessary變副詞規則要變“y”為“i”加ly。

  11.[2015·河南天一聯考四]All in all, make the ________ decide to go after every dream, big or small, right now.

  答案:decision 定冠詞the後應填提示詞的名詞形式,作make的賓語,故填decision。

  12.[2015·寧夏銀川一中一模]You could ________ possible lose more weight even if eating the same amount of food.

  答案:possibly 在情態動詞could與動詞lose中間,可知此處填副詞possibly。

  13.[2015·廣東惠州三調]They had a debate ________ heat and decided to do the work immediately.

  答案:heatedly 根據句意“他在激烈討論後決定馬上工作”,此處應修飾“had a debate”,故填副詞heatedly。

  14.[2015·江西吉安階段檢測]________ tradition, it was the woman's job to cook food and set the table.

  答案:Traditionally 該空處於句首,作狀語,故應填副詞,tradition變副詞需先變為形容詞traditional,再變副詞。

  15.[2015·江西上饒一模]But this type of housing, called co­housing, is gaining ________ popular in the United States, too.

  答案:popularity 及物動詞gain後應跟名詞作賓語,故此處填popularity。

  Part Ⅱ.語篇語法填空重點考查詞性轉換

  [2015·廣東高考一輪複習檢測]A father sat at his desk looking at and carefully studying his __1__ month bill when his young son rushed in and announced. “Dad, because this is your birthday and you are 55 years old, I'm going to give you 55 kisses, one for each year!”__2__ the father exclaimed, “Oh, Peter, don't do it now. I'm too busy!”

  The boy immediately fell __3__ silence as tears rolled down from his big blue eyes. The father said, “You can finish later.”

  The boy said nothing but __4__ quiet walked away, __5__ disappoint written over his face. That evening the father said, “Come and finish the kisses now, Peter!” But the boy didn't respond.

  __6__ fortunate, the boy had an accident and was drowned. His heartbroken father wrote, “If only I __7__ tell him how much I regret my thoughtless words and make sure that he knows how much my heart is aching.”

  Love is a two­way street. Any loving act must be __8__ warm accepted. Nothing is more __9__ importance than responding with love to the cry for love from those __10__ are near and precious to us.

  1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________

  5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________

  9.________ 10.________


  1.monthly 空前為形容詞性物主代詞,空後為名詞,可知空格處填形容詞。

  2.But 考查上下文邏輯關係。根據詞意可知,此處表示轉折關係。

  3.silent fell為系動詞,後面跟形容詞作表語,故應填silent。

  4.quietly 修飾動詞應該用副詞形式,故應填quietly。

  5.disappointment 根據written over his face可知此處為分詞作定語修飾名詞。

  6.Unfortunately 位於句首,應填副詞作狀語來修飾說明整個句子的內容。

  7.could 考查if only後跟虛擬語氣。從句中表示與將來事實相反的虛擬語氣,故填could。

  8.warmly 修飾動詞accepted,應該用副詞形式。

  9.important 系動詞後應跟形容詞作表語,more important為比較級。

  10.who 考查定語從句,從句中缺少主語且指人,故應填who。