Of all man’s natural enemies, the one that has caused him more trouble than any other must be the common rat. For centuries, man has been 21 to solve the problem of rats. The ancient Egyptians were probably the first people to try to 22 them with poison, and this method is still being used today. This says a great deal about how 23 this method has been. We have set innumerable 24 , from simple wires to 25 machines that drowned the rats in beer! We have tried to inflect them with 26 developed germs. We’ve 27 tried to raise super cats to kill them. However, we are still losing the 28 .
So why can’t man manage to 29 a mere animal like the rat? The answer is simply that the rat isn’t a mere animal; It is a very special kind of animal. An average rat 30 : wriggle through a hole no 31 than a $1 coin; climb a brick wall as if it were climbing steps; happily leave a building by being flushed down the toilet, and then return the same 32 ; jump from a fifth storey window and run away 33 ; and last but certainly not least , 34 so rapidly that a single pair could have 15,000 babies in one year!
35 all these phyical qualities, we also have the 36 that rats are rather good at not getting caught. They seem to have an almost supernatural ability to 37 when food has been poisoned and a suspicious rat will starve 38 it eats poisoned food. They also seem to be able to 39 a trap with no real difficulty.
One thing looks certain, we had better find a way to 40 these small brown creatures soon, or it may be too late.
21. A. Trying B. managing C. coming D. failing
22. A. solve B. drive C. kill D. murder
23. A. effective B. efficent C. explict D. extreme
24. A. troops B. tricks C. tyres D. traps
25. Amercial B. complictated C. conventional D. contemporary
26. A. secretly B. especially C. specially D. separately
27. A. ever B. never C. just D. even
28. A. competition B. companion C. battle D. challenge
29. A. Overcome B. hunt C. grasp D. interrupt
30. A. should B. can C. must D. may
31. A. larger B. smaller C. less D. more
32. A. method B. way C. means D. road
33. A. harmed B. unharmed C. brave D. clumsy
34. A. adopt B. grow C. multiply D. accelerate
35. A. In spite of B. Owing to C. In addition to D. At the mercy of
36. A. phenomenon B. problem C. principle D. privilege
37. A. touch B. taste C. feel D. sense
38. A. after B. when C. since D. before
39. A. realize B. recognize C. ruin D. rewind
40. A. win B. hit C. strike D. defeat
21. A 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. C 27.D 28. C 29. A 30. B
31. A 32. B 33. B 34. C 35. C 36. B 37. D 38.D 39. B 40. D
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