


  A: The applied mathematics conference was absolutely dry. Hardly an interesting word was said.

  B: Yes, those are totally arid of interest. What tedious material to have to listen to all day!

  A: That’s right. And most of the speakers took that lifeless subject and made it worse.

  B: It was totally monotonous. I was glad to get away from there.

  A: 這次的應用數學討論會實在是無聊,一點有意思的東西都沒有涉及到。

  B: 可不是,太枯燥無味了。整天聽些冗長乏味的材料,真沒勁。

  A: 沒錯,更糟糕的是大多數發言者選的還都是些毫無生氣的話題。

  B: 簡直是單調極了。幸好我從那兒逃出來了。


  dry: 乾巴巴的,枯燥乏味的。

  arid: 枯燥無味的。

  tedious: 單調乏味的;令人生厭的;羅嗦的。

  lifeless: 沒有生氣的;單調的;沉悶的。

  monotonous: 單調沒有變化的。


  A: I’m glad that classes are over. I find that teacher boring.

  B: He seems to talk for an interminable amount of time without making a clear point. And his voice is so monotonous it nearly lulls me to sleep. He has been giving the same lectures for years.

  A: Each time I hear him, it’s the same old humdrum.

  B: Yes, his stale lectures are hard to take.

  A: 課可算上完了,我真高興!那個老師講課太沒勁了。

  B: 他沒完沒了的講,可我們根本不知道他到底想說什麼;他說話的聲音也很單調,聽了就想睡覺;這麼多年來他講的內容從來沒變過!

  A: 每次他都講他那些老掉牙的東西。

  B: 是呀,他這樣枯燥的課聽起來真是難以忍受!


  interminable: 冗長而乏味的;沒完沒了的。

  make a point: 表明一種看法。

  monotonous: 單調沒有變化的。

  lull sb. to sleep: 使入睡。

  humdrum: 單調;乏味;乏味的生活。

  stale: 陳腐的;過時的;沒有新意的。