下面是小編整理的, 希望對大家有幫助。
Lucy : It was a red light, William. You should've stopped the car.
William : Sorry. I didn't see it.
Lucy : I told you not to drink so much. Your breath reeks of alcohol. We'll get into trouble if we run into a policeman....Slow down a bit.
William : I'm only going 60 mph. They see a dog right in the middle of the road.
Lucy : Look out!..William swerves to avoid the dog and almost hits a car coming the opposite way. That car happens to be a police car.....Oh, no!
William : That damn stray dog!
Policeman : OK, buddy, your driving licence.
William : Here!....Listen to me, officer, it wasn't my fault. It was that dog.
Policeman : What dog? I didn't see any dogs.
Lucy : It's true, officer. There was a dog in our lane. If it wasn't for the dog, we wouldn't have almost hit you.
Policeman : You could have braked, couldn't you? How fast were you going?
William : Well it was about 50 mph or less. I was driving very slow.
Policeman : 50 mph? Don't you know the speed limit downtown is 40 mph?.... All right. That'll be one hundred dollars.
William : Wait a second! What do you mean "one hundred dollars"?
Policeman : The fine. It's one hundred dollars. Speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol. You can't fool me with that smell of alcohol in your breath.
1. To reek of 充滿不好聞的味道
2. mph “Miles per hour”時速
3. alcohol 酒精、酒
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