In adversity, wise men overcome difficulties and fools fall.在逆境中,智者知難而進,愚者消沉不前。那麼下面是小編收集整理的英語手抄報,一起來看看吧。
There is classic story about a fishman and his wife. The fishman caught a golden fish and the fish asked the fishman to let it go for giving the fishman wish. The fishman’s wife asked his
husband to get more, at last, the golden fish was angry and made the fishman back to the original situation. The story tells us that satisfaction brings happiness. When people are greed, then
they will never feel happy, because there is always something they lack of. A happy man will cherish what he has and is grateful to life. The simpler life we live, the happier we will feel. If
the fishman’s wife gets satisfied for the first wish, then they will live the good life.
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