Dear Adam,
Tonight I write of love to you. I know that in our course of 5 years we have been up and down and just about all around, but yet, through it all we still hold on - holding onto a dream that one day we will be happy together again, the way we were before.
I know a love like ours people often dream about; that's why I hold on. To ease my mind I need to know ... why do you still hold on? I cannot change the past but work towards the future. I see in my future you and only you. You're my sunrise and sunset - my whole being of myself, living only for you. You make my rainy day's seem happy and my sunny day's something to look forward to as I wake each day. I know I have yet to be perfect and maybe a little rough around the edges but I know that I can be all you want, desire, and need in a lady.
We created a lovely baby made completely out of love, for that is why every day I look at her, she reminds me of the love we once held so dear. The day you packed your things and left, a part of my heart broke a little more through the endless tears and the unknowing of what is to become of us. It really had me afraid that this time, the end may truly be the end. But still we stay together, maybe not in sharing a home but still together, just to hold dear that true love can happen even to those whom have fallen a little out of love.
I am thankful we keep trying, for you are the most important person in my life and nothing will ever change that, my soul mate. I love you so deeply that even words tonight cannot express them enough.
Love always,
Dear Kendrick,
Well, here we are. One year and 3 months into our relationship. I am so glad we have made it this far. From day one I have known that you were different from all of the other guys I had dated. The very first night we talked you told me I was beautiful. Kendrick, I had never heard that before.
We have been through so much together. Like my parents not accepting our relationship because you are black. Well, that doesn't matter to me, because I love you for who you are, and for who I am when I am with you. You bring out the best parts of me and you show me what it means to be truly happy and in love.
Kendrick, I'll never forget the day I found out I was pregnant. It was the happiest and hardest day of my life. I was so scared to tell my family, but then when I talked to you I knew that everything was going to be okay. I realized that even if my parents didn't support me, you would.
The day I had Kiara was the happiest day of my life. Kendrick, when you came in the delivery room and told me that you were proud of me, it was all I could do not to cry. When I saw you holding her, I felt a love and happiness I didn't even know was possible. There were the two people that I love more than life itself.
Baby, I swear I don't know what I would do without you. You mean more to me than I can say, and I hope that our relationship lasts forever and ever. I love you so much.
Love always,
Dear Leann,
I went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. I slept like a baby all night, because I was not feeling alone. When I awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it was only a dream. Very soon, I know that you will be right next me, and that I will not have to dream of it again because you will be right there so we can hold, hug and squeeze each other tight. Baby, I long to be there with you so I can help build you and support you, so that we can accomplish a whole lot together as husband and wife.
Love always,
Your Ansil
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