Indicator light
pilot light
故障指示燈 trouble lamp ; malfunction indicator light
狀態指示燈 status indicator lamp ; Revolving lamp
轉向指示燈 Direction indicator lamp ; turn light indicator ; turning indicator
充電指示燈 charge lamp charging indicator
蓄電池充電指示燈 battery-charge warning lamp
閃光指示燈 beacon ; flashing light indicator ; flashing trafficator ; flashing head light indicator
停電指示燈 power failure indicator
氖管指示燈 neon indicator ; neonindicator
1. As soon as the seat belt sign had been switched off, we rushed out.
2. The number of indicator lamps in conventional dashboards is increasing.
3. Please extinguish your cigarette when the ` no smoking'signs lights up.
當"禁止吸菸 " 的指示燈亮時,請您熄滅香菸.
4. The ` fasten seat belt'sign comes on.
"繫好安全帶 " 的指示燈亮了.
5. Green pilot light mounted on inner door. One for each circuit breaker.
綠色指示燈安裝在內層門上. 每個斷路器都有一個指示燈.
6. Each single board has an indicator light which shows its operation condition.
7. Latch right lavatory door into divider and verify LAV DOOR annunciator extinguishes.
8. The power light flashes red and green as the system start up.
9. Latch left lavatory door into divider and verify LAV DOOR annunciator extinguishes.
10. When power indicating lamp lighting, the equipment processing power.
電源指示燈亮, 裝置即接通電源.
11. In - charge indicator light changed, after a shut down automatically.
充電中指示燈變亮, 充滿後自動關閉.
12. Digital display setting water pipe 4, running lights flashing.
數碼管4顯示設定水溫, 執行指示燈閃爍.
13. Switch - Position Pilot Lights: Indicate source to which load is connected.
開關位置指示燈: 顯示負荷連線至哪一種源.
14. Observe LCD All the single boards have running - state LCDs.
15. Unlatch right lavatory door from divider and verify LAV DOOR annunciator illuminates.
指示燈相關英文閱讀:交通訊號燈為何用紅色 黃色和綠色
Red means "stop," green means"go," and yellow means "hurry up and make that damn light."Why those colors, though? Why not blue, purple, and brown? I have to admit thataside from a hunch that it had to do with wavelengths, I had no idea myself, soI decided to look into it.
The answer, as it turns out, is a littleconvoluted, but makes sense.
The earliest traffic signals were designedfor trains, not cars.
They were red and green, gas-powered, andmore than a little dangerous in the event of a leak.
•Red is an inherited symbol from railroads
Red symbolizes danger in many cultures,which makes sense, considering it has the longest wavelength of any color onthe visible spectrum, meaning you can see it from a greater distance than othercolors.
Red has meant stop since long before carsexisted, with train signals' use of red dating back to the days when mechanicalarms lifted and lowered to indicate whether the rail ahead was clear.
So that one's simple.
•Green meant "caution" at first
Green's role in lights has actually changeddramatically over time.
Its wavelength is next to and shorterthan yellow's on the visible spectrum, meaning it's still easier to see thanany color other than red and yellow.
Back in the early days of railway lights,green originally meant "caution," while the "all-clear"light was, well, clear or white.
Trains, of course, take an interminablylong time to stop, and legend has it that several disastrous collisionshappened after an engineer mistook stars in the night horizon for an all-clear.
Thus, green became "go," and fora long time, railways used only green and red to signal trains.
•Yellow means "caution" because it's almost as easy to seeas red
From the earliest days of motoring up untilthe mid-1900s, not all stop signs were red --many were yellow, along with yieldsigns, because at night it was all but impossible to see a red stop sign in apoorly lit area.
The yellow stop-sign craze began in Detroitin 1915, a city that five years later installed its first electric trafficsignal, which happened to include the very first amber traffic light, at thecorner of Michigan and Woodward Aves.
But what of those weird yellow stop signs,you ask? As materials and technologies evolved, the ability to produce highlyreflective signs meant that red could resume its natural spot in the signhierarchy, leaving the still-highly-visible yellow it's second only to red interms of visible wavelength to the domain of "caution." That's whyschool zones and buses, crosswalks, and other important warnings are yellowtoday.
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