1:Crow drink water
There is some water in a bottle near a big rock.A bird is very thirsty. He comes to the bottle and stands next to the bottle.But he can't drink the water,beacause the bottle's neck is very long. So he thinks and thinks,and then flies away. After some time,he comes back with a small stone in his mouth.He goes up to the bottle and puts the stone into the bottle. He flies away and flies back again and again.He puts many stones into the bottle. The water in the bottle comes up to its neck and the bird can.
Clifford, Emily 和 Tim決心每天做一件好事。他們幫人掃落葉,油漆房子,但Clifford總在關鍵時刻幫倒忙。突然,他們聽到有人喊“救命”,原來房子著火了,Clifford 這次會如何表現呢?
1. Hello! I'm Emily. This is my dog, Clifford. One day a boy named Tim says, "I try to do a good deed every day. If I have Clifford, I can help a lot of people." I say, "Let's do some good deeds together."
你好!我是 Emily。這是我的狗狗Clifford。有一天,一個叫 Tim 的男孩說:“我每天要做一件好事。如果有 Clifford 幫忙,我可以幫助許多人。” 我說:“讓我們一起來做好事吧!”
2. A man is cleaning leaves. Then we help him. But the leaves make Clifford sneeze.
一個男人在掃樹葉,我們去幫他。但是,樹葉使得 Clifford 打了個噴嚏。
3. Then we see a lady painting her house. We help her and she thanks us. Clifford feels very happy. He wags his tail. White paint splatters all over her house. Nothing seems to go right.
然後,我們看見一位女士在油漆房子。我們幫了她,她謝謝我們。Clifford 很開心,就搖搖尾巴,濺得整座房子都是白漆。好象什麼事都不順。
4. Suddenly we hear a cry: "Help! Fire!" Clifford runs to the burning house. There are two kids upstairs. With Clifford's help, we get them out.
突然,我們聽到一聲大叫:“救命!失火了!” Clifford 朝著火的房子跑去。樓上有兩個小孩,在 Clifford 的幫助下,我們把小孩救了出來。
5. There is a swimming pool in front of the house. Clifford uses the water to put out the fire.
房子前面有一個游泳池,Clifford 用水把火撲滅。
6. That afternoon the mayor gives us each a medal for our good deeds. Of course, Clifford gets the biggest medal of all.
那天下午,市長給我們每人發一個獎章,表揚我們做了好事。當然,Clifford 得到的獎章最大!
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