transfer accounts
bring forward
轉賬憑證 transfer voucher ; haha transfer voucher
會員轉賬 player transfer
商戶轉賬 Celton Manx Limited
運營轉賬 Operation Transfer
出納轉賬 Teller transfer
1. He lived on an invalidity pension which came as a weekly giro.
2. He expected the transfer to go through by today's noon deadline.
3. The bank reserves the right to reverse any transfers or payments.
4. to pay by giro
5. There will be no further costs as long as the bank is part of the giro network.
6. You can cash or transfer money from the bank.
7. Before you transfer your account, sign on the dotted line.
轉賬之前, 請在虛線上簽名.
8. The system supports real - time interbank transfers and interbank balance inquiries.
該系統支援跨行轉賬 實時 到賬以及跨行餘額查詢.
9. Requesting to transfer funds to third parties will no be processed.
10. Besides purch asingonnet, you can also transfer another account.
除了購物外, 您還可以用此卡在網上轉賬.
11. Please check here if the first account will be closed.
12. Please request the auto standing instruction form from bank or DDM centre.
13. Change of autopay cycle will not be accepted for Wealth FlexiProtector.
14. The maximum individual inter - bank transfer fee is 50 yuan.
個人 跨 行轉賬最高手續費是50元.
15. Make fund transfers between the registered accounts at your own will.
China's five largest commercial lenders started providing interbank transfers and transfers within accounts of a bank via mobile banking for free on Thursday, as part of their efforts to deal with increasing competition from Internet finance companies.
These banks will soon provide similar transfers not exceeding 5,000 yuan $766 via Internet banking for free.
They signed an agreement on Thursday to tighten up the management of personal bank accounts and improve relevant banking services. The banks will have differentiated management approaches for personal bank accounts that will be classified into three categories.
For instance, a personal bank account that is opened via electronic channels such as mobile and Internet banking, with the bank taking necessary measures to crosscheck the client's identity, can be used for purchases and payments not exceeding a total of 10,000 yuan per day, apart from making investments on wealth management products. Otherwise, it could only be used for small purchases and payments with the account balance capped at 1,000 yuan.
Xu Luode, vice president at Bank of China Ltd, said, "The classification and differentiated management of personal bank accounts have a distinct feature of Internet finance, showing that the Chinese banking sector is taking a major step forward in developing Internet-based financial services."
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