On Development of Tourism With the opening and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. Tourism brings China a lot of benefits.
First, it enablesitheChinese people to know more about the outside world and promotes frlendship and understanding. Second, it is financially beneficial to China, which needs more foreign currencies, for its modernization program. Tourism, however, gives rise to a number of problems. There are many uncivilized phenomenon in the tourist attractions.For instance, Some tourists spitting everywhere.
As a result of overcrowding caused serious heritage-breaking.It also becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system. Besides, the living standard of the average Chinese is still not high enough to be able to afford the many different sorts of expenses during long distance travels.
Therefore, there are still a lot of obstacles hindering the expansion of tourism in our country. As for me, with the development of our national economy, all these problems will certainly be solved step by step. A much better and brighter future awaits us.
With the gradual improvement of people's living standards, more and more people choose to travel during the holidays. Many people choose the humanities history and scenic spots to travel.
But with the increasing number of tourists, the uncivilized behavior of tourism is
increasing. Visitors free climbing, take pictures, in spots random graffiti, lettering, damage to vegetation, don't speak hygiene, waste discarded everywhere. Uncivilized phenomenon in tourism, is continuing to damage the image of Chinese tourists.
I believe that the cultural tourism can focus on the following aspects: first, tourists should improve cultural quality, do civilized travel, don't do some damage to the culture, and timely reminder of the uncivilized behavior of others. Second, the tourist guide and the scenic spot management office should discourage the uncivilized behavior of tourists. Third, the media should increase the degree of exposure, so that people gradually realized the seriousness of the
uncivilized travel. Finally, the government should implement some punitive measures according to the behavior of the passengers, improve the relevant laws and regulations. I believe that these problems will be solved step by step, and a beautiful tomorrow is waiting for us.
It have been discussed for a long time that how to deal with the uncivilized behaviors during the travel, such as write on the place of historic interests, or claim to old trees. This kind of things happened in China more often than any other countries. What can we do to prevent those actions? Though we have advocate education of the tourists for years, the situation was not better than be imagined. In my opinion, we still have to encourage the education of our tourists, but with some change. For example, we should not only disseminate “Don’t Do Sth.”, but also with the reason and an explanation that it is not cool to sign names or words everywhere, in the contrary, we have to ashamed of that. Make a comparison between foreigners and us can also increase our consciousness.
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