游泳[yóu yǒng]
swim ; bathing ; natation
網 絡swimming;swim;have a swim;bathe
I can't swim yet, but I've made a few strokes with my arms.
After her swim she dried herself with a towel.
This river is dangerous to bathe in.
She goes swimming on Saturdays.
She's teaching the children to swim.
She holds the world record for long distance swimming.
Floating or swimming in water.
Many kids like to swim in the swimming pool.
Only by practicing swimming can you learn to swim.
1. Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get. 游泳或許是現有的最佳鍛鍊方式。
2. There was swimming and sailing down on the lake. 有人在湖上游泳和揚帆。
3. Dangerous undertows make swimming unsafe along most of the coastline. 由於存在著危險的下層逆流,在大部分海岸線附近游泳都不安全。
4. Should our children be taught to swim at school? 我們的孩子應該在學校學習游泳嗎?
5. There'll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun. 將會有充足的機會去放鬆、游泳和晒太陽。
6. At breakfast next morning my two grandsons were clamouring to go swimming. 第二天早飯時,我那兩個孫子嚷嚷著要去游泳。
7. I never learned to swim and neither did they. 我從沒學過游泳,他們也沒有。
8. It was the quickest swimming lesson I'd ever witnessed. 這是我所見過的最速成的游泳課。
9. I also enjoy windsurfing, tennis, racquetball, swimming, you name it. 我也喜歡帆板、網球、短柄牆球、游泳等等,不一而足。
10. Swimming is helpful for bones that are porous and weak. 游泳有助於改善骨質疏鬆和骨骼脆弱。
11. Children swim at the pool, under the watchful eye of lifeguards. 孩子們在救生員的監護下在水池裡游泳。
12. His favourite childhood pursuits were sailing, swimming and cycling. 兒時他最大的愛好是帆船運動、游泳和騎自行車。
13. He had been, he said modestly, swimming champ at high school. 他謙遜地說,念中學時他曾經是游泳冠軍。
14. Fifty soldiers were taking an early morning bathe in a nearby lake. 清晨,50名士兵正在附近的湖裡游泳.
15. Franklin swam and sunbathed at the pool every morning. 每天上午富蘭克林都在游泳池中游泳,在池邊晒太陽。
16. They went off to swim in the pool, which was now deserted. 他們去一個已廢棄的游泳池游泳。
17. If anything, swimming will appeal to her most strongly. 如果說有什麼能強烈地吸引她,那就是游泳了。
18. During winter, many people swim and the pool is crowded. 冬季來游泳的人很多,泳池人滿為患。
19. Dolphins have sometimes been known to save drowning swimmers. 據悉海豚有時會救溺水的游泳者。
20. She would go for a swim when she'd unpacked. 她開啟行李取出衣物後就會去游泳。
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