Move the table
1. Would you like any help to move the desk?
我來幫你搬桌子好 嗎 ?
2. I hurt my back when moving the table.
3. Please help me to move this table.
4. Give me a hand with this table.
5. Do you think you could lift that desk and put it into the garage for me?
你能幫我把那個桌子搬到車庫裡 嗎 ?
6. John! Lend a hand with this table, will you?
約翰, 幫幫忙, 搬一下桌子好 嗎 ?
7. Could you give me a hand with this heavy table, please?
請幫我搬一下這個笨重的桌子, 好 麼 ?
8. Carry the table out. It takes up too much room.
把這個桌子搬出去, 它太佔空間.
9. They carried her bed, table, chairs, and a locker.
他們幫她搬床 、 桌子 、 椅子和櫃子.
10. I can lift that chair, but I can't lift this table.
我能搬得動那張椅子, 但是搬不運這張桌子.
11. The table is too big to go into the room.
12. I can lift tat chair, but I can't lift this table.
我能搬和動那張椅子, 但是搬不動這張桌子.
13. Pull up a chair to the table and join the conversation.
14. Will you wrestle the table into a suitable place?
你把這張桌子搬到合適的地方好 嗎 ?
15. I need a little help to move the table.
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