漢語解釋:中學middle school,分為初級中學與高階中學,屬於中等教育的範疇。初級中學一般是指九年義務教育的中學,高階中學是指高中非義務教育階段的中學。另外,清末稱中國傳統的學術也叫“中學”區別於“西學”。想知道嗎?
中學[zhōng xué shēng]
middle school student
網 絡secondary students;middle school student;high school student;middle school students
She studies in a high school.
The teacher helped him through high school, but he couldn't cut the buck in college.
He works in a secondary school.
We had studied physiology in middle school.
We've learned algebra in middle school.
This middle school is attached to a teachers' college.
Another name for secondary school is high school.
He entered high school at the age of sixteen.
Her children go to the local comp.
1. More than five-thousand secondary school students have been expelled for cheating. 5,000多名中學生 因為作弊被開除。
2. Mary, a junior, will graduate next year. 瑪麗, 一名三年級的中學生 , 明年將畢業.
3. The students in middle schools should build up a solid foundation in English. 中學生學習英語時應打下牢固的基礎.
4. The magazine published a short story written by a high school student. 這家雜誌刊登了一個中學生 所寫的短篇小說.
5. She wrote her name on the pad in school girl script. 她在紙條上用一種中學生 的筆體寫了她的名字.
6. These particular photographs were taken during an undergraduate laboratorysession. 這些具體的照片是在實驗室中學生做實驗時拍攝的.
7. Middle school students in China are forbidden to smoke. 在中國不許中學生 抽菸.
8. The paper which the student receives in high school is a diploma. 中學生得到的證書叫文憑.
9. This shows clearly in the remarks of a group of high - school students nearLos Angeles. 這一點從洛杉磯附近的一群中學生的言談中,清楚地表現出來了.
10. China hat Britta Heidemann seit ihrem Sch ü leraustausch nicht mehrlosgelassen. 中學生 交流活動後她同中國結下不解之緣.
11. I was a secondary school student, I am very sympathetic to you! 我是一名中學生 , 我非常同情你們!
12. Basically middle - school and college students during the Cultural RevolutionChairmanact as revolutionaries. 在時期,幾乎所有的中學生 和大學生都是革命的“紅衛兵”.
13. Should sports classes be sacrificed in High School so students Academicsubjects? 您贊成犧牲中學生 的在校運動課程,以轉移至主科得課程 嗎 ?
14. Going steady is not suitable for middle school students. 中學生 不宜與一個固定異性約會.
15. The campaign against amphetamine will include spot checks on high schoolstudents. 反對安非他命的活動將包括對中學生 的抽查.
16. In recent years, mobile phones have become among middle school students. 近年來, 行動電話已成為很受中學生 .
17. No, these are primary school pupils and those are secondary schoolstudents. 不一定, 有小學生也有中學生 .
18. It is the need for Middle school students to master equation ideology. 中學生 掌握一定的方程思想是時代的需要也是數學學習的需要.
19. Thus, it is very necessary to educate in EnvironmentEducatoin. 因此, 對中學生進行環境教育有著十分重要的意義.
20. Secondary school students in contact with our network, how to controlyourself? 我們的中學生 在接觸網路時, 該如何把持自己 呢 ?
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