Huang-fu mi prodigal son
Huang-fu mi, wei, jin and people, is a famous western scholars and scientists. Huang-fu mi play bad exceptions as a kid, people in the village called little overlord, once, his old home doormat will shovel off the bark of Chinese jujube, makes the jujube tree wither, the whole village to see him, all ignore him, under the education of the aunt, huang-fu mi prodigal son finally, become a useful person.
Sima guang p pillow self-help
Sleep-ins sima guang is a naughty child, so he didn't punish and fellow mocked by Mr, less under the inculcation of Mr., he is determined to get rid of the bad habit of sleep, in order to get up early, he drank the lucozade water before going to bed, the results were not suppress wake in the morning, but the urine out of bed, so clever with garden wood made a police pillow sima guang, a turn in the morning, head down on the bed board, woke up naturally, from then on, he gets up early every day to study, perseverance, finally became a knowledgeable, wrote "History As A Mirror" big literary giant.
Zhang sanfeng chong tai chi
Zhang sanfeng, name one, also known as real, sanfeng, yuanyuan son again, because the slovenly, also known as a sloppy, liaodong taken state now liaoning ZhangWu southwest, the cases of the Ming dynasty were dubbed "micro manifest reality". About his legend was once widely spread in the folk, and even regard him as the gods. We all know that tai chi chuan? The greatest characteristic of tai chi chuan is soft with just! Do you know how to create zhang sanfeng of tai chi chuan? The film is to say, it is the story.
Zhuge liang to feed the chicken
Zhuge liang, the bore is clear, the eastern han dynasty three kingdoms period, xuzhou reed {langya} county Yang county people, is a famous statesman and strategist in the history of our country. If you have seen the romance of The Three Kingdoms, must not forget zhuge liang. So far, the wisdom of zhuge liang has been celebrated by later generations, many people even regard him as the embodiment of the wisdom. But you know, in the various ge is bright when I was a child, to go to school, had some stories, fun!
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