<名>從雲層中降向地面的水 rain
網 絡rain;The rain;rainy;Raindrops on Your Face
I went out in the rain and got wet through.
Spring rains bring summer flowers.
The continuation of the play after the tea interval was ruined by rain.
Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow.
Clouds distil rain.
We had a mouldy holiday - it rained every day.
Do not have your cloak to make when it begins to rain.
Take the raincoat in case it rains.
An umbrella can make your walk in the rain romantic.
1. The recent rain had churned up the waterfall into a muddy whirlpool. 最近的一場雨把瀑布攪成了泥水漩渦。
2. His hair was plastered down to his scalp by the rain. 他的頭髮淋雨後緊貼在頭皮上。
3. They walked along the promenade on a rainy night. 他們在一個雨夜沿著海濱道散步。
4. A Dutch newspaper photographed the president waiting forlornly in the rain. 一份荷蘭報紙拍到了總統形單影隻地在雨中等待的照片。
5. It will stop in a minute —it's only spitting. 雨很快就會停的——這只不過是毛毛雨。
6. Hugo bore his illness with great courage and good humour. 雨果以巨大的勇氣和良好的精神狀態面對疾病。
7. He hurried through the rain, to the patrol car. 他冒著雨急匆匆地跑到巡邏車前。
8. Regular forking of beds and borders relieves the compaction caused by rain. 時常翻動一下花圃和草坪四周會讓被雨水壓緊的土壤鬆動鬆動。
9. The ground still smelled of rain and they muddied their shoes. 地面還散發著雨後的氣息,他們把鞋上弄得全是泥。
10. The rain remained steady though the wind had died down. 儘管風勢已經減弱,雨還是下個不停。
11. They drove home with their windshield wipers going whoosh whoosh. 他們驅車回家,一路上擋風玻璃上的雨刮器不停地呼呼颳著。
12. He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel. 他兩條腿都掛彩了,人也被如雨的彈片炸成重傷。
13. They had come in from the cold and the wet. 他們從寒冷且下著雨的外面進來。
14. When it rained I rigged up a partial shelter with a tarpaulin. 下雨的時候,我用油布草草搭了一個能簡單避雨的棚子。
15. It was raining hard, and she hadn't an umbrella. 雨下得很大,但她沒有雨傘。
16. I hope you didn't get soaked standing out in the rain. 我希望你站在外面沒有被雨淋透。
17. Maybe he's trying to cool off out there in the rain. 可能他是想在雨裡涼快一下。
18. Rain pattered gently outside, dripping on to the roof from the pines. 外面,松樹上的雨水滴落在屋頂上,嗒嗒作響。
19. The rain spattered on the uppermost leaves. 雨濺落在最上面的樹葉上。
20. The wildflowers will be incredible after this rain. 這場雨過後,野花會變得美不勝收。
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