green pepper
英 [ɡri:n ˈpepə]
美 [ɡrin ˈpɛpɚ]
青椒肉絲 shredded pork with green pepper
青椒土豆絲 Green Pepper and Potato ;
青椒茄子 Green pepper and eggplant
炒青椒 fried green pepper
青椒肉鬆 shredded pork with green pepper
1. She sauteed veal and peppers, preparing a mixed salad while the pan simmered.
她先做的一道菜是青椒煎小牛肉, 趁著鍋還在火上偎著的機會,又做了一道拼盤.
2. Here is the fried beef with green pepper and onion, madam.
這是您的青椒洋蔥炒牛肉, 女士.
3. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
4. If desired season with salt pepper, curry, parsley, or hot sauce.
如遇菜蔬枯竭期鹽青椒, 咖哩, 芫荽或者辣醬.
5. I did not like the grill green pepper, tasted too strange.
我不喜歡烤青椒, 味道怪怪的.
6. Mix the stuffing push into the bell peppers. Put lids back on.
將餡的材料混合,放入青椒內. 青椒蓋蓋上.
7. Slice beef Cut loong beans into strips then blanch them . Set aside.
燒熱平底鑊,下油和蒜蓉略炒,再下牛肉片、龍豆、洋? 絲和青椒條.
8. Pinapple , ham, onion Green pepper , tomato concasse, Mozzarella cheese.
菠蘿, 洋蔥,青椒, 火腿, 美滋來樂乳酪.
9. This is green pepper, not hot pepper.
這是青椒, 不是辣椒.
10. A balanced wine and long finish.
11. That's chicken a la king.
12. Stir - fried green peppers are delicious.
13. Add in black fungus, bell pepper and carrots.
隨放木耳, 青椒絲和胡蘿蔔絲大火翻炒.
14. Red ruby colour. Black cherry, strawberry and pepper.
明亮的紅寶石色, 有黑櫻桃, 草莓和青椒的香氣.
15. Style: Medium to light - bodied wine with young red colour. Aromas of spice , pepper, plum and cherry.
風格: 中度至輕酒體,淺紅色, 有胡椒, 青椒, 梅子和櫻桃香味.
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