The rabbit is a very lovely animals, many people are raising. A few days ago, a friend to lend me a rabbit for a few days.
The rabbit is so beautiful! With red, red eyes, like cried. Snow White fur, small mouth and a long beard, really like a fragile princess. The rabbit is very big, is the biggest I raised a rabbit.
I put the rabbit in a cage, in the balcony, went back to the room playing computer. When I went to feed the rabbit to eat green vegetables, suddenly found the rabbit disappeared. I searched for and found a rabbit hiding under a chair, I was relieved. But how the rabbit ran out of? There is a big question mark in my heart. It turns out that is a rabbit opened the door of the cage, his front PAWS ran out. This is really a smart rabbit!
The rabbit began to what all don't eat, even if it won't move on the eyes. The next day, the rabbit became very greedy, could think of it: don't eat white don't eat, let's have a bite. I gave it a big plant leaves, it still didn't eat satisfied, continue to head high head, looking for food, eat can eat more than we are! In some cases, the rabbit is hungry, will eat mat under the cage newspaper, not also eat rabbit newspaper! Really incredible.
The rabbit ate things, and no it was scratching with its claws. Mother said: "the rabbits, there are a lot of bacteria infection easily. It is best not to touch it by hand."
I found a lot of secrets about the rabbit, really happy!
When my birthday last year, my father bought me a lovely little rabbit, little rabbit leap to jump very lively. Because it was white, so I give it was named for nothing.
Little rabbit white white with a white hairs, far look like a regiment Bai Rongrong snowballs. Its ears are long, always straight stand up, eyes like red diamond on the white hairs, a red and white, very beautiful. Small nose both sides has a few empress beard, a gust of wind blowing, beard also slight swing. Its mouth is three petal mouths, like petals, eat, three petal mouths a together, cooperate with the tacit understanding, is very interesting.
On one occasion, I wronged, the in the mind very afflictive, locked himself with nothing in his or her home. All be gently touch me, seems to be and I say: "small master, don't injustice, don't injustice, I also very upset." It jumped to the front of the mirror, in front of the mirror in the small rabbit bow, seems to be making friends with a rabbit in the mirror. It is very funny, I laugh out loud.
I like the little rabbit in our house, in vain.
Today, I and cousin and cousin went to KFC, there stands a lot. Have a snack. Toys and animals. I took a fancy to a stall selling animal, just looked at it in the past.
Ah!Good small rabbit!! With my slap, almost all the hair snow-white snow-white, no besmirch, his eyes were red, like a pink eye, long ears, short tail invisible, still chubby, good love, is also very sprout. I think: so lovely rabbit, who won't buy?? Anyway, this year is the year of the rabbit, just buy a bai!Then I asked: "how do you sell this rabbit?" 30. "" cheaper. "I bargain." At least 25, also sent a bag of feed. "I paid 30 yuan cage 5 blocks. My cousin bought a turtle, is to use some kind of artificial agents injected into make it develop into a two-headed turtle eggs, 40 yuan a. Cousin to use mobile phone take a picture for it.
Returned home, the little rabbit came to a strange new place, jumping in the cage, I put it on the sofa, it's a bit quiet down, can not love in me, almost bit me, in order to improve my feelings, I got a green vegetables, feed it after wipe off the water, it looked at me first a few eye, the nose to smell the green vegetables, seemed to be the poison, thought I, detect no danger, to gulp the taste. It is eat by hand holding up slightly, as people eat watermelon is so funny, beard also become warped up, as if to say: the best, the best! "
呀!!好小的兔子呀!跟我的巴掌差不多,渾身的毛雪白雪白的,沒有一個汙漬,眼睛紅紅的,像一個紅眼病患者,耳朵長長的,尾巴短得看不見,還胖胖的,好惹人愛,也很萌。 我想:這麼可愛的兔子,誰不會買呢?? 反正今年也是兔年,乾脆就買一隻唄!!於是我問:“這兔子怎麼賣?”30。”“便宜點。”我討價還價。“最少25,還送一包飼料。”我付了30元籠子5塊。表弟買了一隻小烏龜 ,是用某種人工藥劑注射到龜蛋中使其發育成雙頭的,40元一隻。表姐用手機給它拍了一張照。
回到家,這隻小兔子來到陌生的新的地方,在籠子跳來跳去,我把它放到沙發上,它有點安靜下來了,可對我沒好感,差點咬了我,我為了增進感情,我拿來了一枝青菜,把水擦乾淨後餵它,它先望了我幾眼,在用鼻子聞了青菜,彷彿以為我下了毒藥似地,察覺沒危險之後,才大口地吃起來。它吃的時候是用手微微捧起來的,像人吃西瓜一樣,滑稽極了,鬍子還一翹一翹,好像在說:極品,極品呀 !”
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