在以往的歲月,父母為我們生活中的點點滴滴關心備至,格外呵護。用一封英語書信來回報父母吧,讓他們為我們驕傲,讓他們為我們成功的學業而自豪。願天下所有父母,幸福安康,Happy forever!下面小編整理了爸媽一封信英文信,供你參考。
Dear parents:
How are you?I haven't seen your for a long time.I miss your very much.Don't worry about me,I'm fine.I like studing very much,I'm work hard.I'm very busy ,so I can't go home now.But when I have a long holiday,I will go home and visit your.Look after yourself and happy every day.
Love from.
your daughter
so many years has past ,and so many years i have been witn you!so many years your love and care shined me!I can't see some words perfectly here,but i am feeling by heart everyday!your smile and your tears ,all around me !I know clearly that every parents want their childern be great in the future ,but i can just swear here :maybe ,i can't be a good student ,but i must be a good child ,yes ,a good child of yours! ——just for you
Dear Mum and Dad,
It is exciting to visit Beijing again. I found it is developing fast.
Today I went to Wangfujing Street. It has changed a lot recently. I can see lots of new buildings and large shops in it.There are beautiful flowers here and there. There is a nice smell of the flowers in the air. Everybody has a big smile on their faces. The girls are more beautiful than before. The young men's clothes are nicer.
The 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing. People in Beijing are working hard for it. I believe that they will succeed. At that time I will come to Beijing again.
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