Samantha: Hi. Julius. I'm treating Mr. Lee and his team members from Gallup to dinner tomorrow evening. Where do you think I
should take them?
Julius: Well, Mr. Lee has a very go taste in wine, and Gallup is one of our biggest clients. I suggest you take them to a
decent French restaurant. Make sure you make a really good impression.
Samantha: That's a good idea. Which one do you recommend? Les Parisians?
薩曼莎:好主意。那你推薦哪一家?Les Parisians嗎?
Julius: Or La Place. They're both listed in this year's Gourmet Magazine for having the most authentic French cuisine in
town. But I heard La Place has a better wine selection.
朱利葉斯:或者La Place。這兩家都因為地道的法國菜而在今年的《美食家雜誌》上榜上有名的。不過,我聽說La Place裡葡萄酒的選擇較多。
Samantha: We'll go to La Place. Could you book a table for four at 7 p.m.?
薩曼莎:那我們去La Place吧。你可以幫我們訂晚上7點4個人的餐位嗎?
Julius: Sure.
A:Welcome to our hotel.歡迎光臨。
A:So you have got altogether four pieces of baggage?您一共帶了4件行李,是不是? B:Let me have a check again.讓我再看一下。
A:The Reception Desk is straight ahead.接待處就在前面。
A:After you, please.你先請。
B:Excuse me, where can I buy some cigarettes?勞駕。我到哪兒可買到香菸? A:There is a shop on the ground floor.一樓有個商店。
A:It sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes.在那兒可買到中國香菸和外國香菸。 B:Can I also get some souvenirs there?也可以買到紀念品嗎?
A:There is a counter selling all kinds of souvenirs.有個櫃檯出售各種各樣的紀念品。
B:Excuse me,where is the restaurant?勞駕,請問飯廳在哪兒?
A:We have Chinese restaurant and a western-style restaurant
Which one do you prefer?我們有中餐廳和西餐廳,你願意去哪個?
B:I'd like to try some Chinese food today.今天我想嚐嚐中國菜。
Receptionist R:Good afternoon.This is XXX restaurant,how may I help you today?
Mr.Smith S:Good afternoon.I would like to make a reservation.
R:Certainly,sir.Can you please tell me the day and time you prefer?
S:I would like to book it for tomorrow,7pm.
R:I apologize,sir,but we are fully booked at that time.Perhaps you would like to make it 8pm tomorrow?
S:What would be fine too.
R:Can you tell me how many guests we are expecting?
S:There are will 5 people.
R:Great.And what name should I put this reservation under?
S:Oh,that's "Mr.Smith".
R:Can I please get a contact number?
S:No problem.You can call me cell phone,it's 123-456789.
R:Fantastic.Ok,sir,your reservation has been set for tomorrow 8pm under "Mr.Smith" for 5 people.I will call your for any additional information.Is there anything else I can help you with today?
S:No,thanks.That would be all.
R:Have a nice day sir,and see you tomorrow.
S:You too.Bye.
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