Three attributes can help people in their studies. First, a sense of responsibility is important for building a sound character. If you aren‘t responsible, you‘ll postpone your assignments or devote too little time to your schoolwork.
Second, in school life, relationships between people are valuable. Friends can bring you happiness and laughter. In addition, you can discuss problems and pursue knowledge with them.
Last, it is important to have a constructive philosophy of life. If you are defeated, don‘t be disappointed. Try to face your life and your studies with courage and determination.
If you can work toward these goals, you‘ll become a well-rounded and versatile student instead of being a bookworm.
When it comes to what makes up a good student, many people may have the stereotypes that a good student is one who can always get high marks in examinations. In school, the student who gets high marks or full marks is considered to be the model student. It does not matter whether he has a good health or not, as long as he get the high marks. After school, when the students come back home, their parents would ask them to do more homework to get higher marks.
However, in my humble opinion, I think being a good student is not only about getting high marks in the exams, but also know how to live and get alone with others, which is more important than reading and writing. The pity thing is most of the students spend so much time on doing their homework that most of them do not enjoy good health. They should be encouraged to go outside to do sports, listen to music and draw some pictures. The teachers should not only teach the knowledge in the textbooks to the students, but also help the students to know about the society. After they graduate from colleges, they will be more adaptable to this world.
To sum up, to be a good student does not only mean he can get high marks in the exams, but also have a healthy body and mind. Generally speaking, the student who is good at study and willing to help others are considered to be good.
What are the qualities of a good student? I think he or she should have the following qualities.
First, a good student should have good behavior. He would like to help others. His behavior shows the good quality. People like to make friends with him because he is friendly. It's more important than knowledge.
Second, a good student should work hard and use the knowledge acquired to solve problems. Because our knowledge is to be used to bring benefit tothe mankind.
Third, a good student should be in good health. If we aren't healthy, we can do nothing.
Whoever has these qualities will be a good student.
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