What should I do or what would I do if I have only 7 days left to live?Isn't this an interesting question?Well,please just let me think for a moment.Ah,yes,the first thing I would like to do,is doing nothing!I mean I will stop going to work and staying in bed for as long as I like.I know it may sound a bit like wasting of the already very short and precious time,which I have got left with me .But since there isn't much time left anyway.What's the difference if I take a little more time to sleep huh?
Then I will do something outrages,something that I didn't allow myself to do before.I don't mean doing something that would harm other people or against the law.Only just want to spoil myself rotten,such as eating plenty of fatty foods,salty foods,sugary foods,plenty of roast pork,roast duck.But not alcohol though because I don't drink alcohol.I shall watch TV a lot,may be all day,every day.and...and I shall stay with my whole family for the entire 7 days!
If I only march composition profile:if my life only in our life perhaps,march go to the end of life,we will remember we have missed.If our life only in March,we can how to cherish.When the first day of the sun shine,I will arose,give parents a smile,as they prepare breakfast,and then go out,walking in a street,smiling,smiling face of all people
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