Face blindness refers to difficulty recognizing faces or telling faces apart.
臉盲症***face blindness***指難以辨認或分別人的容貌的狀況。
New findings from researchers at Harvard and elsewhere suggest that a surprising number of people are face-blind, so bad at recognizing faces that they routinely snub acquaintances and have trouble following movie plots. In extreme cases, they may greet siblings as strangers and struggle to discern which child is theirs at school pick-up time.
來自哈佛及其他地方的研?a href='//' target='_blank'>咳嗽狽⑾鄭?邢嗟幣徊糠秩碩薊加辛趁ぶⅲ??藝飧鍪?渴薔?說摹U廡┤送耆?薹ū媸讀巢咳菝玻?災劣誥?6允烊聳傭?患??吹纈笆幣哺?簧杴榻凇T諞恍┘?稅咐?校??腔嵐炎約旱男值芙忝夢蟮背贍吧?耍?窖?=雍⒆郵本?N薹ㄅ卸夏母齪⒆硬攀親約杭業摹?/p>
The syndrome, known medically as prosopagnosia, was long thought to be a rare neurological curiosity that resulted from brain damage.
Research has begun to suggest that most face-blindness stems from genes, rather than brain injury, and that it is far more widespread than previously suspected, with up to 2 percent of the population affected to some degree.
One day, Dora’s mother gave her a coin, It was a bit dirty, so Dora washed it. Then it started talking to Dora.
Today I talked to a coin, When it was made, it was nice and clean. People took the coin to a bank. It stayed there for a few days. A person at the bank gave the bank gave the coin to a man. My mother went to buy some cake from the man’s shop. The man gave the coin to her as part of her change. She dropped the coin. A street cleaner saw it and picked it up. He returned it to my mother. She gave it to me as pocket money. I washed the coin to make it clean again.