My grade school days are the most wonderful time I have ever had. In those days I always wanted as eagerly to learn as a dog prowls about in search of food. The teachers taught me not only the three R's but also the way to observe the world surrounding us. They laid more stress on observation than on memorization. Thus we had much time to talk over and trade our learning experiences. What excited me most during my grade school days, however, was to be out collecting specimens of the butterfly. Once, on a sunny day and after walking a good while, we reached a one began to catch the butterflies with great excitement while the teacher told us about the living habit of them. Though we spent more time in playing than in catching butterflies, we still had a rich collection when we went home, and a rich knowledge of wildlife into the bargain. After I attended junior high school I did not have much of an opportunity to learn the way I did in grade school, but did not regret because we are bound to go through various stages of life. Anyway, my grade school education was the cornerstone of my later learning career and for that single reason, if not for any other, I am grateful to it.
Whenever I remember my grade school days, I tend to be wistful over. Though no more are those days, I will never forget now wonderful they were. I was carefree in my school days and all the year round I lived happily. I was not a hardworking pupil. Every day I directed my attention not to study but to how to out to how to cut classes and class leader as I was. I did not act like one; instead, I even encouraged others to cut classes, too. of course. I was caught out and severely punished. Often in preparing for a test we pupils would work together to devise ways of cheating in the test room. Though I was poor at cheating in any test. I never gave up but would again and again, hoping this way I would get high marks. With the passage of time I have gradually cast off those bad habits I once had always feel embarrassed each time I think of my foolish behavior in 1the past, I owe what I am to all my teachers. Conscientious instruction. Had it not been for them, I would not be a useful member of society as I am today, My grade school days not only added to my experience as a boy but give me now something lasting to remember by. How I wish the past days could come back, for in retrospect they were so wonderful.
Childhood is often regarded as a memorable and beautiful period of one's life and I passed it happily as a grade-school student. My grade school days were really carefree ones. I got along well with my classmates and On holidays we strolled along the street visited the park and shared one another s candies The teacher of our class was a patient woman who took pains to teach us how to behave and often accompanied us to play games after class—games which were enlivened by songs prattle and laughters. My grade school days were surely the happiest time in my life. Though in retrospect what I did long ago is some-what childish it is nevertheless unforgettable.
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