Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life。以下是小編為大家精心推薦的簽名大全,希望能夠對您有所幫助。
1. A false tongue will hardly speak truth.假舌不會吐真言。
2. Self-trust is the essence of heroism.自信為英雄品質之本。
3. Truth is the daughter of time.真理是時間的女兒。
4. Truth hath a good face,but ill clothes.真理面目善良;但衣衫襤褸。
5. False with one can be false with two.對一個人虛假,也會對兩個人虛假。
6. He that will lie will steal.會說謊的人也就會偷竊。
7. Truth will prevail.真理必勝。
8. Truth's best ornament is nakedness.不加掩飾乃是真理的最好裝飾。
9. Facts are stubborn things.事實是最頑強的東西。
10. A good name keeps its luster in the dark.良好的名聲在黑暗中也能閃閃發光。
1. Fame is a magnifying glass.名譽是放大鏡。
2. A good fame is better than a good face.美名勝於美貌。
3. Sooner or later,the truth comes to light.真相遲早會大白。
4. Gossiping and lying go together.流言常和謊話並行。
5. There is many a fair thing full false.有許多說得好聽的東西充滿了謬誤。
6. To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.既當演說家,又做實幹家。
7. Variety is the spice of life.變化是生活的調味品。
8. Bad times make a good man.艱難困苦出能人。
9. There is no royal road to learning.求知無坦途。
10. Doubt is the key to knowledge.懷疑是知識的鑰匙。
11. A man's best friends are his ten fingers.人最好的朋友是自己的十個手指。
12. Sow nothing, reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。
13. Life is real, life is earnest.人生真實,人生誠摯。
14. Life is painting a picture, not doing a sum.生活是繪畫,不是做算術。
15. The wealth of the mind is the only wealth.精神的財富是唯一的財富。
16. You can't judge a tree by its bark.人不可貌相。
17. Sharp tools make good work.工欲善其事,必先利其器。
18. Wasting time is robbing oneself.浪費時間就是掠奪自己。
19. Nurture passes nature.教養勝過天性。
20. There is no garden without its weeds.沒有不長雜草的花園。
21. A man is only as good as what he loves.一個人要用他所愛的東西有多好來衡量。
22. Wealth is the test of a man's character.財富是對一個人品格的試金石。
23. The best hearts are always the bravest.心靈最高尚的人,也總是最勇敢的人。
24. One never lose anything by politeness.講禮貌不吃虧。
25. Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life.苦難是人生最偉大的老師。
26. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.海記憶體知己,天涯若比鄰。
27. A common danger causes common action.同舟共濟。
28. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast.知足常樂。
29. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.吃一塹,長一智。
30. A guest should suit the convenience of the host.客隨主便。
31. A letter from home is a priceless treasure.家書抵萬金。
32. All rivers run into the sea.殊途同歸。
33. All time is no time when it is past.機不可失,時不再來。
34. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一日一個蘋果,身體健康不求醫。
35. As heroes think, so thought Bruce.英雄所見略同。
36. A young idler, an old beggar.少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。
37. Behind the mountains there are people to be found.天外有天,山外有山。
38. Bad luck often brings good luck.塞翁失馬,安知非福。
39. Business is business.公事公辦。
40. Clumsy birds have to start flying early.笨鳥先飛。
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