How do we open a savings account?***儲蓄帳戶怎麼開?***
I'd like to open a current account.***我想開一個活期存款戶頭。***
How much money do you want to deposit?***你將存多少錢?***
Here is your bankbook!***你的存摺!***
Could you tell me my balance?***我還有多少餘額?***
I want to close my account. ***我要求取消帳戶。***
This is a foreign exchange office.***這是外幣兌換處。***
What's the rate of exchange between US dollar and RMB?***美圓和人民幣的兌換率為多少?***
The interest rate is 4 percent.***利息為百分之四。***
What kind of currency do you want?***你需要什麼幣種?***
Ten yuan is the minimum original deposit.***儲存最低限度為10圓。***
A: Welcome to our bank, Sir. Can I help you?
B: I'd like to open a current account.
A: How much money do you want to deposit?
B: What's the minimum original deposit?
A: Fifty RMB, Sir.
B: Ok, how about the interest?
A: 6 percent for current deposit.
B: Umm, I see, and I need to think about it...
I have a bad cough and my chest aches.***我咳嗽得厲害並且胸口疼。***
I've sprained my ankle, and I've got a very bad headache.***我腳踝扭了,並且頭疼的厲害。***
I have a sore throat and a toothache.***我牙疼並且喉嚨痛。***
Do you have any appetite?***胃口好嗎?***
You need to take a blood pressure, and then have a blood test.***你先測血壓,然後驗血。***
I'll have to give you a injection. After that, an urgent operation is necessary.***我先給你打一針,然後動手術。***
We will transfer you to another hospital.***你將轉院治療。***
Take two of these pills after meal, three times a day.***此藥一天三次,每次兩片,飯後服用。***
I'll give you a prescription.***我給你開個藥方吧。***
This bottle of liquid medicine is for external application. ***這瓶藥水用以外塗。***
D: Now would you lower your shorts?
P: What's that?
D: Just an injection.
P: Will it hurt?
D: Well, it won't hurt me,... There. Now, these pills.
P: Do I need to stay in hospital?
D: I'm afraid you have to.
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