



  1. watch TV看電視 2. read a newspaper 看報紙

  3. talk on the phone 電話交談 4. listen to a CD 聽CD

  5. use –a useful book 6. make soup 做湯

  7. wash the dish 洗碟 8. at home 在家

  9. go to movies 去看電影 10. in a newspaper 在報紙上

  11. think about 考慮 12. in the United States 在美國

  13. watch the boat races 看船比賽 14. the night before the festival節日前的晚上 15. any other night 任何別的晚上 16. his host family 他的寄宿家庭

  17. read a story to sb 讀故事給某人 18. on the phone 在電話上

  19. miss doing 錯過做某事 20. wish sb to do sth/wish to do希望某人做某事

  21. no place like home 22. eat out 在外面


  1. —What + be+ 主語+ doing? ……正在做什麼?

  —主語+ be + doing sth. ……正在做某事。

  2. I’d love / like to do sth. 我願意做某事。

  3. any other + 可數名詞單數 其他任何一個……

  4. wish to do sth. 希望做某事


  1. —Why are you doing? 你在做什麼?

  —I’m watching TV. 我在看電視。

  2. —What’s she doing? 她在做什麼?

  —She’s washing her clothes. 她在洗她的衣服。

  3. —What are they doing? 他們在做什麼?

  —They’re listening to a CD. 他們在聽一張CD 唱片。

  4. —Are you doing your homework? 你在做你的家庭作業嗎?

  —Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. I’m cleaning my room.

  是的,我在做。/ 不,我沒有。我在打掃我的房間。

  5. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom’s delicious zongzi.



  It’s seven o’clock in the evening. Kate’s family are all at home. Kate is doing her homework. Her father is reading a book. Her mother is watching TV. Her grandfather is listening to the radio and her grandmother is cleaning the room. Her sister, Betty, is playing computer games. They are all enjoying themselves.



  1.How is the weather...? 天氣怎麼樣?=What’s the weather like...?

  2.be+Ving e.g.: be raining be+adj e.g.: be windy

  3.talk about the weather with friends 和朋友談論天氣

  4. play computer games 玩電腦遊戲 5.watch TV 看電視

  6. at the park= in the park 在公園

  7.sound like 聽起來像 8.have a good time 玩得開心;過得愉快

  9.at home 在家 10.study at sb’s home 在某人家學習

  11. take a message for sb. 為某人帶訊息 12. tell sb. to do sth. 告訴某人做某事

  13. call sb. back ***給某人***回電話 14. no problem 沒問題

  15. do one’s homework 做作業 16. right now 立即;馬上

  17. study English 學習英語 18. not too bad 不太壞

  19. some of my old friends 我的一些老朋友 20. be happy to do sth. 高興做某事

  21. sit by the pool 坐在游泳池邊 22. drink orange juice 喝橙汁

  23. summer vacation 暑假 24. study hard 努力學習

  25. be on vacation 在度假 26. write to sb. 給某人寫信

  27. next month 下個月 28. talk on the phone 通過電話交談

  29. for three hours 三個小時 30. take a photo 照相

  31. speak to sb. 給某人談話 32. call sb. at... 給某人回電話

  33. in the rainy weather 在雨天


  1. tell sb. ***not*** to do sth. 告訴某人***不要***做某事

  2. have a great time + ***in*** doing sth. 愉快地做某事

  3. just right for doing sth. 做某事正合適


  1. How’s the weather? 天氣怎麼樣?

  2. It’s cloudy. / It’s sunny. / It’s raining. 天氣多雲。/ 天氣晴朗。/ 天正下雨。

  3. How’s it going? 情況怎麼樣?

  4. Great! / Not bad. / Terrible! 好極了!/ 不錯。/ 糟糕!

  5. Can I take a message for him? 我給他捎個口信好嗎?

  6. I’m having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.


  7. My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. 我和我的家人正在山裡度假。

  8. It’s hot in your country now, isn’t it? 現在你的國家天氣炎熱,不是嗎?


  The Weather in Beijing

  Hell, everyone! I’m from Beijing. Do you want to know the weather in Beijing? Now let me tell you something about the weather here.

  In Beijing, spring is very short and warm. In summer, it’s very hot, but it often rains. We often go swimming in the river. In autumn, the weather is very dry and cool. We often go to the farm to work with the farmers to help them. In winter, it’s very cold, and sometimes it’s snowy and windy.

  I like swimming, so summer is my favorite season.



  1. near here 在附近 2. post office 郵局

  3. police station 警察局 4. pay phone 付費電話

  5. on Bridge Street 在橋街 6. across from 在……對面

  7. between...and... 在……中間 8. in front of 在……前面

  9. in town 在鄉鎮 10. on Center Street 在中心街

  11. far from 遠離 12. go along 沿著

  13. watch sb. doing sth. 看見某人正在做某事 14. look like 看起來像

  15. love the clean air and sunshine 喜愛清新的空氣和陽光

  16. the best things 最好的事情 29. be good at ***doing*** sth. 擅長做某事

  17. in life 一生中 18. have to do sth. 不得不做某事

  19. enjoy doing sth. 喜歡做某事 20. go shopping 去購物

  21. be busy doing sth 忙於做某事 22. on school days 在去學校的日子

  23. have free time 有空閒的時間 24. make the foods 做食物

  25. turn right/left 向右/左轉 26. at the first crossing 在第一個十字路口

  27. on one’s left/right 在某人的左邊/右邊 28. play Chinese chess 下中國象棋


  1. Turn right / left at the +序數詞+ crossing. 在第幾個路口向右 / 左轉

  2. spend + 時間 / 金錢 + on sth. 花費時間 / 金錢在

  spend + 時間 / +金錢 ***in*** doing sth. 花費時間 / 金錢做某事

  3. watch sb. doing 觀看某人正在做某事

  4. enjoy doing sth. 喜歡做某事


  1. —Is there a hospital near here? 這附近有醫院嗎?

  —Yes, there is. It’s on Bridge Street. 是的,有。它在橋街上。

  2. —Oh… where’s Center Street? 噢……中心大街在哪裡?

  —It’s not too far from here. 它離這兒不太遠。

  3. Go along long Street and it’s on the right. 沿著長街走,它在右邊。

  4. Turn right at the first crossing. 在第一個十字路口向右轉。


  Where is the hotel? Let me tell you how to get there. Go down this road and then

  turn left. Go through First Street and second Street. When you come to Third Street, turn right and walk on. You can see a bridge over a river. Go across the bridge. Then you can see the hotel. It’s on your right, across from the post office, You will find it.