
1、Man is a program of time。人是時間的綱領。

2、Thought is the seed of action。思考是行為的種子。

3、All wise men are selfish。一切聰明人都是自私的。

4、Disaster is the first process of truth。災難是真理的第一程。

5、Too much of life is not art。太生活化了也就沒有藝術了。

6、Health is the first wealth in life。健康是人生第一財富。

7、To enrich the time is to be happy。使時間充實就是幸福。

8、Slide on the ice, speed is safety。在薄冰上滑行,速度就是安全。

9、Beauty of the heart, people have the。愛美之心,人皆有之。

10、Life comes with a certain talent。人生來就具有一定的天賦。

11、Only the wise see life as a program。只有智者視人生如節目。

12、Artists are always amateurs。藝術家一開始總是業餘愛好者。

13、How to think, what kind of life。怎樣思想,就有怎樣的生活。

14、Confidence is the first secret of success。自信就是成功的第一祕訣。

15、Don't laugh at the thick black thumb。不要嘲笑鞋匠又黑又粗的拇指。

16、To overcome the national culture is a victory。克服民族性是文化的勝利。

17、Knowledge is the medicine for the treatment of fear。知識是治療恐懼的藥。

18、Habla Mi Corazon is the most deeplymoving。肺腑之言是最能打動人心的。

19、Poison is our main drug, it can cure for help。毒藥是我們的主要藥物,它能治病救命。

20、Thought is the property of the person who will enjoy it。思想是會享用它的人的財產。

21、Thrift is the food of your life in endless beauty feast。節儉是你一生中食之不完的美筵。

22、We may be biased, but our destiny is not biased。我們也許有偏見,但是命運並沒有偏見。

23、One invention creates more inventions。一項發明創造會帶來更多的發明創造。

24、A great soul, will strengthen the mind and life。一個偉大的靈魂,會強化思想和生命。

25、Bad habits and customs, as well as to get rid of。壞的習俗與其留著,不如破除。

26、People have doubts, is the scientific sprout。人類所抱有的疑念,就是科學的萌芽。

27、Friendship is the spice of life, but also the pain of life。友誼是人生的調味品,也是人生的止痛藥。

28、Polite manners, mainly self restraint performance。彬彬有禮的風度,主要是自我剋制的表現。

29、All of the great men are from the hard to come to the fore。所有的偉人都是從艱苦中脫穎而出的。

30、There is no action, thought can never be ripe for the truth。沒有行動,思想永遠不能成熟而化為真理。

31、The love of literature and art is an instinct that cannot be destroyed。文藝的愛好是一種無法毀滅的本能。

32、We have conquered the power, so we have the strength。我們征服了力量,於是我們便得到了力量。

33、Health is the condition of wisdom, is a sign of happiness。健康是智慧的條件,是愉快的標誌。

34、The man who is not afraid of pain is strong, not afraid。不害怕痛苦的人是堅強的,不害怕。

35、Ordinary people hope that the genius of the people to create。平凡的人希望,天才的人創造。

36、Remember: every day is the best day of the year。銘刻在心:每一天都是一年中最好的日子。

37、Is a good idea, if not implemented, like a dream。就是好思想,如果不去實行,就和好夢一樣。

38、The Conservatives won't learn anything new, and forget not。保守主義者學不會新東西,也忘不。

39、Man 's responsibility to do everything possible to do the thing。男子漢的責任就竭盡全力去做能夠做到的事。

40、Love is to be in the best of spirits foreign visitors, foreign self。愛情是興致勃勃的外來客,是外來的自我。

41、Truth is the pinnacle of existence, justice is the use of truth in practice。真理是存在的頂峰,正義就是在實踐中運用真理。

42、The tragedy of the spectator is not necessarily the tragedy of the victim。旁觀者眼裡的悲劇未必是受難者心中的悲劇。

43、Barbaric people can come up with a mean and cruel trick at any time。野蠻成性的人隨時都能想出卑劣殘忍的伎倆。

44、All educated people have a no commandment: do not lose his temper。凡是有良好教養的人有一禁誡:勿發脾氣。

45、Home is the castle, even if the king, without the invitation can not be allowed to enter the。家就是城堡,即使國王,不經邀請也不能擅自入內。