
1、歲月催人老,運動抗衰老。Years make you old, anti-aging。

2、每一個學生都是好學生。Every student is a good student。

3、活動有方,五臟自和。Well, five zang-organs and。

4、運動是一切生命的源泉。Sport is the source of all life。

5、豐收靠勞動,強身靠運動。Harvest by labor, physical exercise。

6、生活多美好啊,體育鍛煉樂趣無窮。How wonderful life is, sports fun。

7、科學的基礎是健康的身體。Science is the foundation of a healthy body。

8、體育是填補空虛的最佳良藥。Sports is the best medicine to fill the void。

9、今日不運動,來日悔晚矣。Today don't exercise, every regret later in the future。

10、生命就是運動,人的生命就是運動。Life is movement, the person's life is movement。

11、運動不負有心人,堅持時日必奏效。Sports pays off and sticking will work。

12、只有運動才可以除去各種各樣的疑慮。Only movement can remove all sorts of doubts。

13、體育是在理性軌道上執行的競爭機制。Sports is the competition mechanism on rational orbit。

14、鐵不煉不成鋼,人不練不健康。Iron smelting to produce, people don't practice of unhealthy。

15、發展體育運動,增強人民體質。The development of sports, improve the people's physical fitness。

16、體育與教育一樣,能使人更加健康健全。Sports and education, can make people more healthy。

17、我生平喜歡步行,運動給我帶來了無窮的樂趣。My life like walking, sports brings me endless joy。

18、高尚的娛樂,對人生是寶貴的恩物。Noble entertainment, a boon to the life is precious。

19、讓體育運動成為一種習慣,成為你生活的一部分。Make sports become a habit, a part of your life。

20、淡泊名利,動靜相濟,勞逸適度。Indifferent to fame and wealth, of economic activity, moderate work。

21、人的健全,不但靠飲食,尤靠運動。People's sound, not only rely on diet, especially on sports。

22、靜止便是死亡,只有運動才能敲開永生的大門。Stillness is death, can only open the eternal gate movement。

23、舞動青春,揮灑汗水,用汗水舞出對生命的熱愛。Dance dance youth, sweat and sweat, out of love for life。

24、公平、和平、進步是競技體育的核心價值。Justice, peace and progress is the core value of competitive sports。

25、如果你有無法解決的煩惱,去參加體育運動吧。Couldn't solve the troubles, if you have to take part in sports。

26、養生之道,常欲小勞,但莫大疲,及強所不能耳。Knowledge, often to small, but great weakness, and strong ear。

27、人生的本質就在於運動,安謐寧靜就是死亡。The essence of life lies in sports, quiet quiet is death。

28、天天做體操,壽比南山鬆不老。Do exercise every day, live as long as the southern mountain pine not old。

29、身體的健康因靜止不動而破壞,因運動練習而長期保持。Body health damage due to static, long-term for sports practice。

30、身體虛弱,它將永遠不全培養有活力的靈魂和智慧。The body weak, it will never fully cultivate energetic soul and wisdom。

31、運動的要義不在趣味而在繼續持久,養成習慣。Movement's essence is not fun but continue to persistent, a habit。

32、運動方法無數條,因時、因地、因人挑。Countless exercise method, and position in time, for people to choose。

33、人生的目標在於不斷追求,人生的價值在於奉獻。Goal in life is to continuously pursue, the value of life lies in dedication。

34、靜而少動,體弱多病;有靜有動,無病無痛。Static and dynamic less, frail; Static with dynamic, disease-free painless。

35、賽之最絕妙處乃由於它只在手做,不在口說。Because it's the most wonderful place is only in the hand, not spoken。

36、運動的作用可以代替藥物,但所有的藥物都不能替代運動。Sports can replace the action of drugs, but all the drugs cannot replace。

37、走路是極好的運動,人應該養成走長路的習慣。Walking is very good exercise, people should get into the habit of a long walk。

38、世上沒有比結實的肌肉和新鮮的面板更美麗的衣裳。There is nothing more beautiful than strong muscle and fresh skin of his cloak。

39、身體既是心智的基礎,發展心智不能使身體吃虧。Body is not only the foundation of the mind, mental development cannot leave the body hurt。

40、體育競賽之最絕妙處乃由於它只在手做,不在口說。Sports competition is the most wonderful place because it was only in hand is not spoken。

41、晚霞誠可貴,健康價更高,欲圖享老福,運動要抓牢。Sunset sincere commendable, healthy price is higher, want to enjoy the old fu, movement to hold。

42、一個埋頭腦力勞動的人,如果不經常活動四肢,那是一件極其痛苦的事。A hard mental work, if not often activities limbs, that is a very painful thing。

43、鍛鍊身體要經常,要堅持,人和機器一樣,經常運動才不能生鏽。Exercise regularly, you must insist on, people are like machines, regular exercise can't rust。

44、我寧願我的學生打網球來消磨時間,至少還可以使身體得到鍛鍊。I would rather my students play tennis to kill time, at least can also help the body workout。

45、體育運動可以使人健康,而健康是財富、健康是幸福、健康是美……Sports can make people healthy and health is wealth, health is the happiness and health is beauty……

46、永遠用欣賞的眼光看學生,永遠用寬容的心態面對學生。Students with appreciation view of forever, forever with tolerant attitude in the face of the students。

47、運動的好處除了強身之外,更是使一個人精神保持清新的最佳途徑。Exercise benefits in addition to the physical, but also the best way to keep one's spirit and fresh。

48、各種娛樂的高下優劣,最能顯示那個人的高下優劣。All kinds of entertainment compete advantages and disadvantages, the most can show the man against the wheat from the chaff。

49、輕視體育的民族,是落後的民族,是捱打的民族,是衰亡的民族。Despise the national sports, is the backward people, was beaten in the nation, is the decline and fall of nation。

50、努力發展體育事業,把我們的國民鍛鍊成為身體健康精神愉快的人。Efforts to develop undertakings of physical culture and sports and our national exercise become healthy mental pleasure。

51、參與比勝負重要,過程比結果重要,超越比得失重要。Participation is more important than the outcome, the process is more important than the result, is more important than the gain and loss。

52、生命在於矛盾,在於運動,一旦矛盾消除,運動停止,生命也就結束了。Life lies in the contradictions, in the movement, once contradiction eliminate, the motion stops, the life will be over。

53、不言體育而空言道德,空言智識,言者暗矣,聽者心厭矣,究於事實何俾之有?Not empty talk sports moral and intellectual empty words, if the dark past, the listener to heart failure, due to the facts which have?

54、娛樂是花,實務是根。如果要欣賞花的美麗,必須首先加強根的牢固。Entertainment is a flower, practice is the root。 If you want to appreciate the beauty of the flower, must first strengthen the root of the firm。

55、日復一日地堅持練下去吧,只有活動適量才能保持訓練的熱情和提高運動的技能。Insist to practice day after day, can only maintain the enthusiasm of the training activity in moderation and improve sports skills。

56、體操和音樂二個方面並重,才能夠成為完全的人格。因為體操能鍛鍊身體,音樂可以陶冶精神。Gymnastics and the music two aspects pay equal attention to, to become a complete personality。 Because of the gymnastics can exercise the body, music can edify spirit。

57、生命在於運動,也在於靜養。養生宜動,養心宜靜,動靜適當,形神共養,培元固本,才能使身心健康。Life is movement, also is to rest。 Regimen should be dynamic, yangxin appropriate static, appropriate activity, reposing, school thrift, to make the physical and mental health。

58、我們力求使學生深信,由於經常的體育鍛煉,不僅能發展身體的美和動作的和諧,而且能形成人的性格,鍛鍊意志力。We aim to make students believe that due to regular exercise, can not only develop the harmony of beauty and movement of the body, and can form a person's character, exercise willpower。

59、運動太多和太少,同樣的損傷體力;飲食過多與過少,同樣的損傷健康;唯有適度可以產生、增進、保持體力和健。Sports too much and too little, the same damage strength; Eating too little and too much, the same damage health。 Only a modest can produce, improve, maintain physical strength and health。