

  ❶ 道德話題舉例

  A story about cherry-tree-chopping George, American Founding Father, who cuthis father’s favorite tree, tells us that his not being afraid to tell the truth is more than a thousand trees to his father.

  美國開國元勳喬治曾經砍下了父親最喜歡的樹,這個故事告訴我們,他這種不害怕說出真相的品質,對他的父親來說值一千多棵樹。 (可以用在誠信等道德話題裡)

  ❷ 實踐行動話題舉例

  Practical abilities are the keys to modern success. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs did not help construct the first Apple computer without putting his though into real. This practitioner used his education and his action to harness his ideas into international advances.


  ❸ 愛心助人話題舉例

  (1)For example, Engels abandoned the idea of quitting his business and carried.

  例如,恩格斯放棄了辭掉工作的想法,繼續幹下去,以便在財政上支援馬克思,從而使“資本論”完成並出版 。雖然他們分開了大約20年,但他們和以前一樣親密, 思維的共鳴也沒有停止。

  (2)For example, kind-hearted helpers are more likely to establish a harmonious interpersonal relationship, or help create a harmonious social climate, in which others will do their best to support you when you are in need of help.


  ❹ 努力目標話題舉例

  Obama, brilliant and noted black president in American history, made significant contribution to American’s advancement。It is obvious what makes him the first black president is owing to his strong belief, constant efforts and clear object.


  ❺ 食品安全問題舉例

  According to the latest survey conducted by Consumer’s Association, in order to gain more interests, more farmers and food processors are using potentially hazardous production methods, such as unsafe sources of fertilizers and food additives.


  ❻ 以下列出幾個必備高頻替換詞。

  1、We可以以替換成we college students, we young people, we youngsters,

  2、 Very可以替換成quite,extremely,exceedingly,completely

  3、more and moreincreasing (ly),growing

  4、 customer shopper, client, consumer, purchaser

  5、 importantcrucial, significant

  6、commonuniversal, ubiquitous

  7、 attractiveappealing,absorbing

