下雨心情不好的句子 下雨天的心情經典句子

1、 最甜美的是愛情,最苦澀的也是愛情。The sweetest is love, and the bitterest is love.

2、 因為有你讓我掀起一片愛的漣漪!Cause you make me ripple of love!

3、 愛一人.真的無需理由.我感覺到了。Love someone. Really no reason. I feel it.

4、 曾經,愛的瘋狂。如今,傷的漂亮。Once, the madness of love. Now, the wound is beautiful.

5、 你是我的命,保護你是我的天性You are my life. Protecting you is my nature.

6、 不知什麼時開始,我已學會依賴。I don't know what time it will start. I've learned to rely on it.

7、 此情不過煙花碎,愛別離酒澆千杯。This is just a broken fireworks, love to leave the wine poured 1000 cups.

8、 前行的路上,有我陪著你。On the way forward, I will accompany you.

9、 奈何橋畔輪迴轉,定攜素手至桑田。Nevertheless, the bridge turns around and will take Su-hand to Sang-tian.

10、 除非黃土白骨,我守你百歲無憂。Unless loess and white bone, I will keep you safe for a hundred years.

11、 要我們牽著手,每一個日子都是幸福。Let's hold hands and be happy every day.

12、 我喜歡你,也喜歡那個喜歡你的我。I like you, and I like the one who likes you.

13、 想你的我在想你,想我的你在想我嗎?I miss you. I miss you. Do you miss me?

14、 我壞,因為你,我好也只為你!I am bad, because of you, I am good only for you!